Public Health Division
Animal Shelter
The Sonoma County Animal Shelter is committed to serving the public in the care and well being of animals, both domestic and livestock, throughout the unincorporated areas of Sonoma County, the city of Santa Rosa and the town of Windsor.
Disease Control Surveillance & Response
- Disease Control Unit: The Disease Control unit is responsible for the investigation of outbreaks of communicable diseases, surveillance of reportable diseases, and provision of educational materials and services to assist communities in reducing the incidence of communicable diseases.
- Public Health Regional Laboratory: Provides specimen testing services to the counties of Sonoma, Mendocino, Lake and Humboldt in Northern California, training and reference testing to clinical laboratories, and laboratory support for diagnosis and control of communicable diseases to private medical providers.
- Office of Vital Statistics: Provides birth and death certificates, medical marijuana identification cards, permits for disposition of human remains, and data for communicable disease reporting.
- Public Health Preparedness: Planning and putting in place programs to respond quickly and effectively to threats endangering the health of the public.
Monkeypox (MPX) Cases in Sonoma County
Emergency Medical Services Oversight
Coastal Valleys EMS Agency: Provides oversight to the emergency medical care delivery system in Sonoma and Mendocino counties.
Environmental Health
- Our Environmental Health programs promote health and quality of life by preventing or controlling those diseases or deaths that result from interactions between people and the places they live, work and play. Our programs employ several strategies to prevent health hazards including education, surveillance, routine inspections, response to citizen tips, sampling and posting and enforcement where necessary.
Family Health
- Affordable Care Act Notice
- California Children Services
If your child has a catastrophic or serious medical condition, this program may be able to provide financial assistance and coordinate health care services. - HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases Prevention Program
The program coordinates planning and evaluation for HIV prevention activities, and coordinates planning, development and evaluation for the local HIV prevention programs. - Injury Prevention Program
Conducts countywide projects aimed at reducing unintentional injuries among children. - Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Program
The mission of the Maternal, Child, Adolescent Health program is to promote the physical, social and emotional health of childbearing women, children, adolescents and their families in Sonoma County. - Women, Infants, Children (WIC)
WIC is a supplemental nutrition program that helps mothers and young children eat well and stay healthy.
Healthy Communities
The mission of Healthy Communities is to provide comprehensive, coordinated services in partnership with the community that support healthy societal and behavioral choices for the people of Sonoma County.
- Tobacco and Nicotine Prevention: Public Health uses tobacco tax funds from Propositions 56 and 99 to conduct tobacco prevention activities, including the Tobacco Education Program, and Tobacco-Free Sonoma County Community Coalition (TFSCCC). We support the passage of policies that reduce tobacco use by youth.
- Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL): Program staff members are involved in several collaborative projects aimed at increasing the activity level and encouraging healthy eating among Sonoma County residents.
- Dental Health: The goal of Sonoma County Public Dental Health programs are to work on improving the oral health of Sonoma County children from birth through age 6 years.
- Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention: Alcohol and Other Drug Services (AODS) is now part of Behavioral Health. Please click on the link to go to AODS under Behavioral Health.