- Home Visiting
- Pregnancy and Women's Health
- Teen Health
- Fathers and Partners in Parenting
- LGBTQ+ Family
- Find a Doctor / Get Health Insurance
- Birth Control
- Breast/chestfeeding
- Grief and Bereavement Support
- Adverse Childhood Experiences
- Comprehensive Perinatal Services Program
- Resources and Toolkits for Perinatal Service Providers
- World Breastfeeding Week and National Breastfeeding Month
- In Honor of Pride Month and Juneteenth
- Perinatal Mental Health
- A Look at the Data: Perinatal Health in Sonoma County
- Happy Belated National Women's Month!
- We want to wish you a Very Happy New Year!
- Home Visitor Newsletter Edition!
- Things to Know About Health Insurance and Medi-Cal
- Wrapping up October and SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) Awareness Month
- Emergency Planning With Infants and Children
- National Breast feeding Month
- BIPOC Mental Health Month 2023
- Pride Month
- Social Determinants of Health 2023
- Congenital Syphilis Update
- MCAH Website
- Breast/chestfeeding Updates and Resources
- Sonoma County Perinatal Health Data
- Perinatal Resources for LGBTQ+ Folks
- Back to School Resources
- National Breastfeeding Awareness Month
- MPX and Pregnancy
- Perinatal Mental Health Toolkit
- Interconception care
- Good News: Kids Vax, PRM, Doulas, CHWs, and TIA PHN
- 2 Years or beyond
- Roe v Wade a Public Health and an Equity Issue
- Resources and Supports for Fathers
- Racial Equity and Health
- What is a Doula?
- Formula shortage resources
- Fentanyl Awareness
- COVID effects on child development
- Maternal Mental Health Month updates
- Perinatal Hepatitis Updates
- Medi-Cal Covers Postpartum Care for 12 Months
- Perinatal Hemorrhage Toolkit
- Keeping Medi-Cal beneficiaries Covered
- Maternal Mental Health Forum
- Spring e-Newsletter
- How to be a Breast/Chestfeeding Ally
- Women’s History Month
- Public Health Home Visiting Programs
- Promote Dental Care During Pregnancy
- Portrait of Sonoma County
- Love and Sex and Sexually Transmitted Infection. PrEP for Women and During Pregnancy- February 9, 2022
- Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, data, training, patient information - January 26, 2022
- Covid updates: Vaccination during pregnancy talking points, new booster requirements and isolations guidelines - January 5, 2022
- Financial literacy and financial well-being are important to overall health - January 19, 2022
- Birth Defects. Learn more about what causes, and how to prevent, Birth Defects - January 12, 2022
- Back to Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health
Birth Control & Family Planning
Every woman, and person who may become pregnant, should have the support of a trusted healthcare provider to create a Reproductive Life Plan about when she/they wants to become pregnant and have (or not have) children. Every person should have the support of their doctor for preconception (before you get pregnant) care. Healthy Babies start with Healthy Mamas.

The California Family Pact Program provides free birth control and other health services to eligible community members. The Family Pact website can help you find the right choice for you!
Sonoma County Health Clinics can help you sign up for Family Pact.

Emergency Contraception can help keep you from getting pregnant if you had sex without using birth control, or if your birth control method did not work.

Planned Parenthood offers education about birth control, abortion, and sexual health and well-being.
The Office of the California Surgeon General believes education is the foundation for a healthy reproductive life. Their webpage aims to inform and empower individuals about contraception, abortion and reproductive rights.
California Abortion Access a safe space for you to find abortion information. Learn more, get support, find a provider.