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For Medical and Dental Providers

Integrate Dental Health in Medical Practice

Dental Health at Well-Child Visits

Applying fluoride varnish at well-child visits is an easy and effective way to address oral health for those who may not have access to dental visits.  Varnish can be applied in less than 5 minutes by medical assistants and nurses, reduces chance of decay, and can even reverse mild decay. 

Referral Workshop

Workshops to improve clinical referrals for dental care were held November 2016 and February 2017, hosted by Sonoma County Dental Health Network.  Participants from local community health centers, non-profit community organizations and medical offices utilized process mapping to examine and consider strategies for improvement to dental referrals under three scenarios: non-urgent, urgent, and prenatal.  Workshop participants received an Oral Health Integration toolkit from Qualis Health.  The workshop may be repeated for sufficient demand.

Perinatal and Infant Oral Health Quality Improvement (PIOHQI)

A movement funded by (HRSA) and organized by the California Department of Public Health, Oral Health Program, to find and implement best practices for maternal and infant health. Participating community health centers in Sonoma County will be performing rapid cycle strategy trials with the goal of improving access to and quality of dental care received by expectant mothers and infants.

Volunteer at Local Dental Health Events

Give Kids a Smile! Day

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, and the first Friday and Saturday in February are marked by Give Kids a Smile! Day.  The event has been in Sonoma County since 2005, connecting hundreds of local youth to private and community dental offices to receive the care they need.

Kindergarten Assessments

Fulfill state mandates by providing in-school oral assessments to kindergartners at local schools.  Dentists and hygienists are encouraged to volunteer.

Volunteers at dental assessments
Volunteers at the March 2017 Kindergarten Dental Assessments at JX Wilson Elementary in Santa Rosa.