Homelessness Services
Ending Homelessness
Homelessness is a humanitarian crisis that impacts all of our communities in Sonoma County. Ending homelessness requires a countywide, shared responsibility in planning and developing solutions. The Sonoma County Homeless Coalition is the region-wide body responsible for setting the vision and strategic planning towards ending homelessness in Sonoma County. The goal of the Sonoma County Homeless Coalition is to achieve “functional zero” homelessness in Sonoma County through a Housing First strategy. Through the Sonoma County Homeless Coalition, persons experiencing homelessness will be connected to permanent housing as quickly as possible using a Coordinated Entry System, Rapid Re-Housing, and Permanent Supportive Housing as key strategies to end individual housing crises.
As both a funding agency and convener of planning efforts, the Sonoma County Department of Health Services acts as the Lead Agency for the Sonoma County Homeless Coalition. In partnership with service agencies, advocates, and the community, our goal is to make homelessness increasingly rare and brief.
Sonoma County Continuum of Care Strategic Plan
Featured Services
January 31, 2025
Sonoma County Homeless Coalition Board 2025 Extended Elections
The Sonoma County Homeless Coalition Board is the decision-making body of the Sonoma County Continuum of Care. The Sonoma County Homeless Coalition addresses the problems of housing and homelessness by having a countywide, community-informed, and person-centered CoC system that is compassionate, inclusive, financially responsible, equitable, coordinated, and outcomes based.
Upcoming Events
Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS) Data Committee Meeting
Sonoma County Homeless Coalition Special Quarterly Membership Meeting (Virtual)