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Department of Health Services

Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health

Pregnancy and Women's Health

Every healthy pregnancy starts with a healthy person. Learn about supports and resources to help you stay healthy and well before, between, and after pregnancy.

Sonoma County Maternal Child and Adolescent Health is dedicated to promoting physical, social, and emotional health and well-being for pregnant persons, children, adolescents, and their families through information, education, and resources. We are committed to inclusion, diversity, and anti-racist values. All community members are welcome and safe to use our services.

Healthy Pregnancy

doctor and patient Schedule a prenatal appointment with a doctor as soon as you think you may be pregnant. Even better, see your doctor before you are pregnant to talk about preparing for pregnancy.

Medical and Dental Care:

  • Get Health Insurance/ Find a Doctor This web page offers information and links to resources for getting help to apply for Medi-Cal or to use the Covered California Insurance Exchange.
  • Medi-Cal offers presumptive eligibility coverage for pregnant persons and local providers will see you right away (many will even help you with your Medi-Cal application). Medi-Cal coverage will continue through the 12th month after the end of your pregnancy.
  • Dental Care - It is important to see a dentist during pregnancy to prevent infections that can lead to poor birth outcomes. Pregnancy Medi-Cal now covers dental services for a full 12 months postpartum.
  • Vaccinations during Pregnancy - Pregnant women should be vaccinated for pertussis and influenza, as well as being up to date on COVID-19 booster.

Learn more about pregnancy and childbirth:

  • Visit Childbirth Connection to learn more about Maternity Care, Healthy Pregnancy and Giving Birth.
  • My Birth Matters - Learn about your birthing options and tips for a healthy birth.
  • Text4Baby - Sign up to get free messages each week on your cell phone to help you through your pregnancy and your baby’s first year.
  • Paths to parenthood for LGBTQ+ persons. Help to understand the options, and how to optimize the process along the way from Fertility IQ.

Women’s Health

four friends You care for others, remember to care for yourself, self-care is not selfish!

Medical and dental care:

  • Get Health Insurance/ Find a Doctor - This web page offers information and links to resources for getting help to apply for Medi-Cal or to use the Covered California Insurance Exchange.
  • Well Woman Visit  - All women should have an annual health exam. Learn more about healthy living at every age from the Office on Women’s Health, and download their checklist for women’s health by decade.
  • Dental Care - Healthy teeth are an important part of overall health, your dentist is your biggest ally for good oral health. Visit the dentist for an exam and cleaning every 6 months! Smile California can help you find a dentist if you don't have one.
  • Women’s Vaccinations - Protect yourself from preventable diseases, find out which vaccinations you should have, and when.
  • Every Woman Counts provides free breast and cervical cancer screening and diagnostic services to California’s underserved populations. Their mission is to mitigate the devastating medical, emotional and financial effects of breast and cervical cancer and eliminate health disparities for medically underserved, low-income individuals​.

Reproductive health:

  • Every Woman California has resources for women and people who may become pregnant. Explore this site to learn more about your health and get simple tips to stay healthy every day. 
  • Sexually Transmitted Infection - Find out where to access testing and treatment in Sonoma County and learn more about risks and symptoms with STD Fact Sheets.
  • Birth Control - Learn more about birth control and family planning and which option is best for you. Find out where to get support for emergency contraception and termination.
  • Get a Pregnancy Test - It is important to see a doctor as early as possible if you think you may be pregnant.
  • California Abortion AccessThis website is a safe space for you to find abortion information. 
  • Resources for LGBTQ+ from Every Woman California

Mental Health Support

mother holding baby An important part of your health is your emotional and mental wellness. If you are feeling sad, depressed, anxious, or have a lot of stress, it can affect your health. That’s why it is important to get help for any mental health problems.

One in five women in California experience depression sometime during pregnancy or after birth. Learn more about perinatal mood disorders and get help when you need it. Call or text to speak with a professional counselor in English or Spanish anytime 24 hours a day/7 days a week at 1-800-HELP4MOMS. 

Prenatal and postpartum depression and anxiety:

Substance use disorder:

  • MothertoBaby provides confidential information about the effects of drugs and medications during pregnancy, available by phone, text, email or chat.
  • Resources for Substance Use Disorder. Are you pregnant or the parent of a young child and struggling with alcohol or other drugs? We can help you find support and resources.
  • Substance Use Disorder Recovery programs are available for women in Sonoma County. Call  707-565-7463 for more information.
  • Ready to stop smoking or vaping, or just want to know what resources are out there? Kit-It California offers 2 weeks of free nicotine patches to support anyone living with a child under 6 who wants to Kick-It! Pregnant persons are always eligible for free telephone counseling.

Mental and behavioral health crisis services:

  • Sonoma County Behavioral Health Crisis Services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Providing crisis intervention, assessment, medication and supportive care for individuals in an acute mental health crisis.
  • Sonoma County Behavioral Health also offers community-based, supportive, and transitional recovery services for adults.
  • The Suicide Prevention Hotline is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Call 988 or 855-587-6373 for English or Spanish crisis support. FREE and confidential help for any person having thoughts of suicide, as well as for friends and family members worried about a loved one.
    988 lifeline 988 lifeline spanish

Eat Well

Pregnant woman preparing vegetables Good nutrition is important for every woman. Take good care of yourself with nutritious food before, during and after pregnancy.

Active Living

mother and young daughter doing yoga One of the best ways to lower stress and increase well-being is to get active! Get the whole family in on it!

    • Check out the Exercise and Movement classes at the Center for Well-Being. They have Zumba, Pilates, and Yoga classes. Learn more and pre-register online or call (707) 575-6043.
    • The YMCA has annual, monthly, and quarterly membership plans and offers financial assistance too!  In addition to their usual programs and classes, check out the Health & Wellness programs, the Virtual Y and the new Healthy Recipes.
    • Santa Rosa Park and Rec provides recreation programming to participants of all ages and abilities, offering hundreds of scheduled classes year-round. You can see all their programs and events on their website.
    • Sonoma County Regional Parks- Visit a park today to connect with nature, slow down and make time for “awe”, learn, play, and camp. Annual low-cost vehicle entry passes are available for Sonoma County residents with limited income.

    Healthy Relationships

    man and woman talking over coffee If you have concerns about your safety at home, or if you are the victim of domestic violence:

      • The YWCA serves families struggling with domestic violence with community advocacy, therapy, support groups, a Safe House Shelter and help finding a safe place to live. They are available 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week through the Hotline: (707) 546-1234 
      • The Family Justice Center is available during business hours at 707-565-8255. They serve victims of violence, abuse and assault with advocacy, safety planning, resources, immigration services, transportation assistance and more.

      For support with relationships:

      • The Child Parent Institute offers Family Counseling Resources and parenting services. They offer in-home and group parent education, parent mentoring programs, and a Parent Support Line for questions and concerns at 707-755-2858.