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Department of Health Services

Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL)

Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL)

The Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL) Team resides within the Department of Health Services, Public Health Division. Our team works to promote healthy eating and active lifestyles for all Sonoma County residents. In line with the Healthy Communities Vision, we promote upstream strategies aimed at preventing chronic disease, such as diabetes and heart disease.

We envision a Sonoma County where everyone has access to nourishing food and physical activity. Funding for the team comes from the CalFresh Healthy Living Program (SNAP-Ed), administered by the California Department of Public Health.

Please contact us for more information about any of our current efforts or to inquire about internship opportunities at

Cal Fresh Healthy Living logo

CalFresh Healthy Eating Active Living Program

California’s SNAP-Ed program is now known as CalFresh Healthy Living. The goal of the CalFresh Healthy Living (CFHL) Program is to promote healthy eating, physical activity, and nutrition security, with an emphasis on communities with the greatest health disparities. The program aims to improve the likelihood that persons eligible for CalFresh will make healthy food and physical activity choices within a limited budget We focus on implementing education, policy, systems, and environmental change strategies to increase access to affordable healthy food and physical activity opportunities. The HEAL Team collaborates with the other CFHL-funded programs in the county, Area Agency on Aging and Catholic Charities, on a shared work plan.