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Probation Department

Melita Combs, Juvenile Correctional Counselor III named Bay Area Region Outstanding Line Staff of the Year 2022

Published: October 11, 2022

Melita Combs holding award

Melita Combs, Juvenile Correctional Counselor III, was recognized by the California Association of Probation Institution Administrators (CAPIA) as the Bay Area Region Outstanding Line Staff of the Year 2022.

Melita has been instrumental with the implementation of additional programming and services in our Juvenile Hall due to Juvenile Justice Realignment as a result of Senate Bill 823.  She participated in a Program Development team tasked with meeting the changing needs of youth committed to serve extended periods in custody as a result of the pending closure of the State run Division of Juvenile Justice.  Melita helped create a comprehensive commitment program that focuses on individual needs, detailed case planning, targeted programming, rehabilitation, and community reentry.  Melita was responsible for increasing safe access to technology for youth in custody, introduced the facility to Edovo tablets, is the primary liaison with the Santa Rosa Junior College Second Chance program which is part of the Rising Scholars network, creates community college IDs, assists with grants and financial aid applications, and orders college textbooks.  In addition, Melita is part of a two person team that is responsible for the coordination and facilitation of all new employee training. 

The Sonoma County Probation Department is proud to see Melita recognized for her continued hard work and dedication to justice involved youth.