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Probation Department

Restitution, Fine and Fee Payments

While on Probation, the terms of payment for court ordered fines and fees may be worked out with your Probation Officer, based on financial ability and other circumstances related to your case.  Willful failure to make a required payment may result in a violation of your probation grant.

Payments made Online or by Phone

The Sonoma County Probation Department accepts restitution, fine and fee payments online or by phone with a major credit card, debit card or prepaid debit card.

  • Credit cards accepted: MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover

The Probation Department has authorized AllPaid to collect credit and debit card payments on its behalf. AllPaid is a third party vendor that provides a secure portal for payment of court ordered fines, fees, and victim restitution. 

Pay through AllPaid (Service charge applies) 

This service provides 24 hour 7 day a week access to make payments from any internet connection and also offers a 24 hour 7 day a week call center to take payments from those unable to use the internet.

Date of Payments

  • Once you submit payment via AllPaid, a hold will be placed on your credit card for the amount plus the service charge.
  • Payment made through GovPayNet will be credited to your probation account after receipt of funds from GovPayNet. It may take up to four days to post to your probation account.

Service Charges

  • Allpaid charges a 3.75% service fee on each transaction, with a minimum of $3.50.
  • Call Center payments are assessed a 5% service fee, with a $5.00 minimum. 

Pay direct through Probation Accounting

  • Adult and Juvenile Payments
  • Pay by phone (707) 565-3810
  • Hours: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm,   Monday - Friday

Payment may be mailed to:

Probation Accounting
600 Administration Drive #104J
Santa Rosa, CA 95403

Note: Please do not send cash through the mail.

Check and Money Order Payments

 Payments may be made in person through Probation staff at either the Adult Probation or Juvenile Probation offices. We accept cash (no change will be given), checks, money orders or cashier’s checks. Current COVID-19 public health protocols are in effect, and lobby hours may be reduced. Please confirm hours of operation prior to visiting County facilities. (See office location information)

Payments in Person

Credit Card and Debit Card Payments

The Sonoma County Probation Department accepts fine, fee and restitution payments by credit card or debit card at the kiosk located in the Adult Probation lobby (600 Administration Drive # 104J) during the hours of 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM. See above for accepted Cards and service fee charges.

Check and Money Order Payments

Payments may also be made in person through Probation staff at either the Adult Probation or Juvenile Probation offices. We accept cash, checks, money orders or cashier’s checks. (See office location information)

Victim Restitution

When a defendant is placed on probation with a condition that they make a monthly payment to the victim of a crime, the Probation Accounting Department will set up an account for the victim in conjunction with the Probation Officer. Probation Accounting will make monthly collections and disburse the funds to victims of crime who have been identified by the Court. The administrative cost of this collection is the responsibility of the probationer; the victim pays nothing for this service.

If the probationer does not follow through with this obligation, then he or she will be considered to be in violation of the conditions of the probation grant and may be taken back to Court for further court proceedings.

Victim Information

Victims should be aware that the Penal Code is very specific that probation shall not be revoked for failure of a person to make restitution unless the Court determines that the defendant has willfully failed to pay and has the ability to pay.