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Department of Health Services

Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health

Women's Wellness



Medi-Cal image

Immigration Status Doesn't Matter

Starting January 1, 2024, more people will be eligible for full Medi-Cal benefits. If you are 26-49, live in CA, and meet income requirements, you are eligible for coverage! Applying for or using Medi-Cal will not affect your immigration status.

Click here for more information

A partir del 1 de enero de 2024, más personas serán elegibles para recibir los beneficios completos de Medi-Cal. Si tiene entre 26 y 49 años, vive en CA y cumple con los requisitos de ingresos, ¡es elegible para recibir cobertura! Solicitar o utilizar Medi-Cal no afectará su estatus migratorio. ¡Y no es carga publica!

Para obtener información en español, haga clic en el botón "translate" en la esquina superior derecha de esta página y seleccione español.

How do I find healthcare coverage? 

If you do not already have healthcare coverage, you may qualify for Medi-Cal. To find out, visit a the WIC office or a local health clinic for free application assistance. Visit the Redwood Community Health Coalition website to see a list of clinics and other locations offering this service. 

How do I find dental care coverage? 

Maintaining good oral health is important to your overall health. You can find a local dental provider who accepts Medi-Cal from our  list of providers.

Accessing Dental Care 

Well Woman Visit 

This visit will include a breast examination, a pelvic examination, and a pap smear. Make an appointment with your doctor or find a clinic using the Redwood Community Health Coalition website

Checklist of women's health services provided by Planned Parenthood website

Healthy Weight 


MyPlate describes the five food groups that are building blocks for a healthy diet. 
