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Probation Department

Coach (referee) Model for Change (CRMC)

Published: March 21, 2025

Come learn about the Coach (referee) Model for Change (CRMC). The CRMC is an innovative way in which criminal justice agencies are shifting staff from referee who are asked to catch people failing to COACHES who are invested in helping people succeed. 

All are invited! This is being offered to Community Members, Law Enforcement and Justice System Partners, Students, Community Based Organizations, and County Probation Departments.

Brought to you by Sonoma County Probation Department, Sonoma State University, and the California State University Police

JOIN US @ 4p-6p April 30th SONOMA STATE UNIV. 1801 E. Cotati Ave. Rohnert Park, CA. 94928 STEVENSON HALL Rm.1301(Building 33) RSVP Or (707)565-2731                                                 Acompáñanos De 4p-6p 30 de Abril SONOMA STATE UNIV. 1801 E. Cotati Ave. Rohnert Park, CA. 94928 STEVENSON HALL Rm.1301(Edifico33) RSVP O (707)565-2731

Flyer-Coach v Referee Probation Event SSU 4-30 -English (PDF: 595kB)      Flyer-Coach v Referee Probation Event SSU 4-30 -Spanish (PDF: 595kB)