Policies, Procedures, Guidelines and Memos
- Advanced Step Appointments
- Alternate Work Schedule 9-8-1 (refer to your MOU or Salary Resolution)
- Americans with Disabilities Act — Title II Equal Access Information
- Background Checks
- Benefits Upon Separation
- California Codes — Government Code Section 3100-3109
- Case of Excellence
- Civil Service Rules
- Rule 1: Definition of Terms
- Rule 2: Organization and Administration
- Rule 3: Classification
- Rule 4: Announcement and Applications
- Rule 5: Examinations
- Rule 6: Employment Lists
- Rule 7: Certifications and Waivers
- Rule 8: Appointments
- Rule 9: Probationary Period
- Rule 10: Separations and Suspensions
- Rule 11: Layoffs
- Rule 12: Leaves of Absence
- Rule 13: Nepotism
- Rule 14: Employee Reports
- Rule 15: Judicial Review
- Rule 16: Adoption and Amendment of Rules
- COBRA Continuation Coverage and Rates
- Commission on Human Rights — Ordinance 5870
- Departmental Injury and Illness Prevention
- Department Employee Recognition Program (DERP) Procedures
- Disability and Reasonable Accommodation Policy
- Discrimination Complaint Procedure
- Domestic Partner Rights and Responsibilities Act of 2003 (refer to your MOU or Salary Resolution)
- DOT Alcohol & Controlled Substances Testing Program
- Drug-Alcohol Guidelines — Administrative Policy Manual #8-2
- Employee Injuries
- Employee Hazard Reporting
- Employee Relations Policy (ERP)
- Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (EEOP)
- Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Policy
- Exit Interview Survey (PDF: 93.3 kB)
- Fair Labor Standards Act Information
- Flexible Merit Increase for Unrepresented Employees
- Flexible Merit Increase for Unrepresented Employees — Revised In-Range Salary Step Adjustment (PDF: 103 kB)
- Incompatible Activities (refer to your MOU or Salary Resolution)
- Investigative Services
- Request for Investigative Services (PDF: 228 kB)
- List of Vendors
- Layoff Information
- Layoff Mitigation Policy
- Limitations and Restrictions on Gifts, Honoraria, Travel and Loans (PDF: 1.8 MB)
- Loss of Driver´s License
- Medical Leave Policy
- Military Leave Policy
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Organizational / Employee Development Services
- Request for Services (PDF: 151 kB)
- List of Vendors
- Personnel File Guidelines (refer to your MOU or Salary Resolution)
- Political Activity of Employees
- Pre-Employment Pre-placement Screening Policy
- Reasonable Suspicion Procedures
- Recruitment and Selection
- Reference Check Guidelines
- Release of Employees After Disaster
- Retiree Medical HRA Information for Terminated and Retired Employees
- Safety Management Program
- Safety Policy
- Temporary Services Guidelines
- Temporary Transitional Duty Program
- Temporary Transitional Duty Policy — Administrative Policy Manual #6-3
- Travel Time Policy
- Weingarten Rights
- Workers' Compensation Benefits Notice