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Human Resources Department

Job Classification Levels Demographics

The infographics below display race/ethnicity and gender demographics of the County’s workforce categorized into four job classification levels: Individual Contributor, Supervisor, Manager, and Executive.

  • Individual Contributor level classifications are defined as line- and professional-level positions that do not typically have supervisory responsibility. “Lead” and “Senior” level job classifications are included at the Individual Contributor level.
  • Supervisor-level classifications are defined as positions with responsibility for supervising staff.
  • Manager-level classifications are defined as positions with responsibility for managing a program, unit, section, or division.
  • Executive-level classifications are defined as Elected Officials, Department Heads, Assistant Department Heads, and Deputy Directors (in departments that do not have an Assistant Director(s)).

Race/Ethnicity and Gender Demographics by Job Classification Level

These infographics display race/ethnicity and gender data of the County’s workforce by job classification level.

Race/Ethnicity Demographics by Job Classification Level by Department

These infographics display race/ethnicity data of the County’s workforce as a whole and in each County department/agency, organized by job classification level.

Gender Demographics by Job Classification Level by Department

These infographics display the gender diversity of the County’s workforce as a whole and in each department/agency, organized by job classification level.