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Human Resources Department

Employee Resources

4-7 Policy for Flexible Merit Increases for Unrepresented Employees

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Approved: County Administrator
Authority: Human Resources / County Administrator
Revised Date: July 27, 2004

Table of Contents

  1. Purpose
  2. Policy
  3. Procedure

I. Purpose

In order to retain valuable unrepresented employees, this policy seeks to clarify when an unrepresented employee may receive a flexible merit increase to his/her salary reflecting outstanding performance. 

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II. Policy

  1. Generally, an appointing authority may award a 2½% or 5% increase to the Unrepresented employee’s salary at the time the employee would regularly be due for a merit consideration. For those unrepresented employees who have received an “outstanding” performance evaluation, the appointing authority has the option of awarding a 5% increase earlier than the employee would regularly be due for a merit consideration, or awarding a 7½%, or 10% increase at the time the employee would regularly be due for a merit consideration provided that the employee: 
    1. Has had no other special salary adjustment in the last twelve months, 
    2. Has not received more than 10% salary increase in the last twelve months,
    3. Has not received an “Improvement Needed” comment on a merit evaluation in the last eighteen months, 
    4. Remains within the current pay range after proposed merit step advances. 
  2. A flexible merit increase, as outlined above, must be recommended by the appointing authority and approved by the County Administrator.

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III. Procedure

  1. To award an employee with outstanding performance an early merit increase or a merit increase of 7½%, or 10%, the appointing authority shall complete the  Advanced Salary Step for Unrepresented Employees
  2. Send the form to the County Administrator for approval. Completed forms, both approved and disapproved, are returned to the department. 
  3. When a merit increase has been given earlier than the time the employee would regularly be due for a merit consideration, any subsequent merit evaluation is then scheduled for twelve months following the “early” merit date.

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