Job Opportunities
View a list of our current and upcoming job opportunities, including EFS Department Information Systems Manager, Racial Equity Programs Analyst Network Analyst, Sheriff's Communications Technician I, and much more! Read full story
Start Here!
Our virtual Start Here! class is an overview of the County of Sonoma’s job application, examination, and selection processes. This class is intended for the public - whether you are looking for a new position now or planning for a future employment opportunity. Read full story
Sonoma County Civil Service Commission Vacancy
Applications are currently being accepted to fill a vacant seat on the County of Sonoma Civil Service Commission. The Commission is a nonpartisan public body responsible for oversight of the County’s personnel system. This system is used for the selection, promotion, and retention of classified employees in Sonoma County civil service, as governed by the County’s Civil Service Ordinance, to assure the best-qualified persons available are hired into County employment. Read full story
Springtime & Summer Activities
The Summer Season is upon us. Read full story
SCPA Negotiations Public Update
The County is pleased to announce that on 4/21/2023, the County and SCPA reached a comprehensive tentative agreement for a three-year successor labor contract. Read full story
SCDPDAA Negotiations Public Update
The County is pleased to announce that on 4/21/2023, the County and SCDPDAA reached a comprehensive tentative agreement for a three-year successor labor contract. Read full story
Negotiations Public Updates:
The County is pleased to announce that on 3/29/2023, the County and SEIU 1021 reached a comprehensive tentative agreement for a three-year successor labor contract. Read full story
Negotiations Public Updates:
The County and SEIU met for their 16th bargaining session on Wednesday March 1, 2023. The County provided an updated comprehensive proposal and tentatively agreed to increase employees’ boot and shoe allowance. Read full story
Negotiations Public Updates:
We are grateful for SEIU's professionalism during this round of negotiations. The County has offered substantial economic improvements as part of a fair and competitive labor agreement. SEIU’s contention that the County is “taking away existing employee benefits” is incomplete. While the County is asking legacy employees to continue and/or marginally increase contributions toward the cost of their future pension benefits, its proposal is part of a comprehensive wage and benefits package that substantially improves terms and conditions of employment for SEIU’s members. Read full story