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Community Development Commission

George’s Hideaway (Permanent Supportive Housing)

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On April 5, 2022, the Board of Supervisors authorized the Sonoma County Community Development Commission (Commission) to acquire the George’s Hideaway property, located in Guerneville. The Commission completed the acquisition in late April 2022, with the intention of converting it to permanent supportive housing address the high need for this type of housing in west Sonoma County.

In July 2022, the Commission, in partnership with West County Community Services (West County), received an award from the State’s Project Homekey-2 Program to convert the property into a permanent supportive housing development that will include 21 studio units and a navigation/peer counseling center to provide supportive services to the residents.

On June 10, 2024, the Board of Supervisors approved the transfer of the property to West County, who will complete the conversion of the property and will own and operate the permanent supportive housing and navigation center. The units will be available for chronically homeless individuals referred through coordinated entry.

The scope of development for the conversion of George’s Hideaway includes reconstructing the existing lodge into the navigation/peer counseling center with offices and supportive services space on the ground floor and 9 permanent supportive housing units on the second floor. 13 additional units on site will be created for a total of 21 permanent supportive housing units and a resident manager’s unit.

Project Schedule

Demolition and grading work: July 2024
Construction to begin: August 2024
Lease-up period begins: January 2025
Construction completion: April 2025
Substantial occupancy: July 2025

Going from this…

George's Hideaway

To this…

Plan for George's Hideaway