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Community Development Commission

Sonoma County Redevelopment Plans

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As of February 1, 2012 the Sonoma County Community Development Commission (CDC) became the Housing Successor Agency for the former redevelopment agencies of the County and the cities of Sebastopol and Sonoma. 

Redevelopment is the reinvestment of local property tax dollars in the community from which they came, under local control, according to a locally approved plan. This simple statement covers a lot of important ground, however. “Reinvestment of local property tax dollars” means that funds identified for a particular area plan could only be spent for the benefit of that area.

At its roots, then, redevelopment is about improving the health and safety conditions and, consequently, quality of life in a designated project area. Redevelopment focuses on eliminating “blighting conditions,” a broadly defined term that can refer to physical conditions, economic conditions or social conditions, which adversely affect the local community. Redevelopment also focused on the preservation and expansion of employment and affordable housing opportunities.

Information about the Redevelopment Agency, its Redevelopment Areas and any plans or projects listed on this and subsequent pages is for historical purposes. For all current information, please go to the Successor Agency page.