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Community Development Commission

Fair Housing Resources

Fair Housing Laws and Resources


Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, commonly known as the Fair Housing Act, requires the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and recipients of federal funds from HUD to affirmatively further the policies and requirements of the act. The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), familial status, and disability by landlords, property managers, and other housing providers as well as municipalities, lending institutions, and insurance companies. The Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 revised the original Fair Housing Act of 1968 to broaden protections from discrimination to families with children and to persons with physical or mental disabilities. Under the Amended Act, builders of housing must also ensure accessibility in certain units and landlords and condominium associations must make reasonable accommodations to meet the needs of disabled tenants.


The Fair Employment and Housing Act, the Family Rights Act, the Unruh Civil Rights Act, and other California laws prohibit discrimination in housing due to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, disability, age, ancestry, citizenship, gender (identity and expression), genetic information, immigration status, marital status, primary language, sexual orientation, source of income, and any other arbitrary reason. More information about the different state laws addressing discrimination can be found here:

As a recipient of federal and state entitlement grant programs, Sonoma County is required to take meaningful actions to combat discrimination, overcome patterns of segregation, and foster inclusivity in the community by removing barriers that restrict access to opportunity based on the aforementioned characteristics.

In accordance with HUD and state laws, including, AB686, Sonoma County is committed to taking actions to advance equality and equity in access to housing and services by all community members. To learn about what Sonoma County is doing to address segregation and discrimination and affirmatively further fair housing, the following resources are available for more information:

Analysis of Fair Housing in Sonoma County Housing Element
Sections 1.8- 1.13 in the Approved and Certified Sonoma County Housing Element and
Sections 4.4 and 4.5 in the Technical Background Report Prepared for the Housing Element
Sonoma County – Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing
(formerly known as the Analysis of Impediments to Housing)
Link Coming Soon! In the meantime, you can request a copy to be emailed to you by sending an email to:
Sonoma County Office of Equity

Legal Resources

If you have experienced discrimination in housing and/or access to services and need legal advice, the following service providers can assist you:

Fair Housing Advocates of Northern California:

Legal Aid of Sonoma County:

Disability Services and Legal Center:

Americans with Disabilities Act Section 504 Policy and How to File a Complaint

If you have experienced discrimination on the basis of a disability in any program or activity administered by the Sonoma County Community Development Commission, including the Sonoma County Housing Authority, please click on this link for information on how to file a complaint:

Download Section 504 Grievance Policy

Other Resources and Policies

Sonoma County Housing Authority:

City of Santa Rosa Housing Authority:

California Civil Rights Department:

HUD Fair Housing:

Countywide List of Affordable Housing Sites: Housing Inventory List

ADA Self Evaluation and Transition Plan - Sonoma County Community Development Commission
Link Coming Soon! In the meantime, you can request a copy to be emailed to you by sending an email to:

If you have questions or would like more information about the resources listed on this website, please contact Veronica Ortiz-De Anda, the Sonoma County Community Development Commission Section 504 Coordinator. Please see contact information below.

Phone: 707-565-7520
