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Human Resources Department

Employee Resources

6-3 Temporary Transitional Duty - Sections III and IV: Definitions and Policy Guidelines

Human Resources Disability Management 750

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Approved: County Administrator
Authority: County Administrator
Revised Date: January 20, 2006

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Read next: Section V: Dispute Resolution

III. Definitions

Temporary:  Typically lasting from one to ninety days, not permanent. 

Transitional Duty:  Selected assignments that take employees in stages from tasks they can perform within medical work restrictions to performing their regular job duties.

Medical Restrictions:  Physician specified work activities that are limited due to an injury or illness.

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IV. Policy Guidelines

All non-probationary permanent County employees, including those who are probationary within their original job class series for the purpose of promotion such as Eligibility Worker I, II and III, who are unable to work due to a work related or non-work related injury or illness will be considered for a temporary transitional duty assignment based on their medical restrictions.

  1. Occupational Illness or Injury
    The duration of the temporary transitional duty assignment for occupational injuries or illnesses will typically be up to 90 days, as the needs of the department allow. An extension beyond 90 days may be granted with Department Head approval. In no event shall temporary transitional duty assignments exceed 365 days for industrial injuries or illnesses. 
  2. Non-Occupational Illness or Injury
    The duration of the temporary transitional duty assignment for non-occupational injuries or illnesses will typically be up to 90 days, as the needs of the department allow. Extensions beyond 90 days may be granted with Department Head approval. In no event will temporary transitional duty assignments for non-occupational conditions be allowed beyond 180 days without the review and approval of the Human Resources Director.

    Extensions past 180 days will only be considered by the Human Resources Director when: 
    1. The department and the employee both request an extension.
    2. The employee has made progress in transitioning back to the regular assignment during their 180-day Transitional Duty Assignment.
    3. The extension is for a specific, short period of time with a date certain for return; and the employee’s medical treater indicates that the employee will be cleared to return to work in their regular assignment on the date the extension will end.

    Assignments are determined based upon the individual’s work restrictions, the skills of the employee, and the needs of the Department.
    • If the temporary condition appears to be from a serious or chronic medical condition, the departments will consult with appropriate county staff to determine the correct course of action.
    • As medical restrictions change, the temporary transitional duty assignment also may change.
    • If temporary transitional duty assignments are limited, employees with work related injuries have priority over employees with non-work related injuries.
    • Departments will provide temporary transitional duty assignments utilizing existing budgeted resources. Fund augmentation will be considered by the County Administrator’s Office (CAO) if transitional duty related costs are likely to cause the department to exceed their budgeted net cost or appropriations for the fiscal year.
    • An employee’s refusal to accept or act in accordance with the medically approved duties assigned in a temporary transitional duty assignment may result in the loss of Workers’ Compensation wage replacement benefits in accordance with State law, or long-term disability benefits. Employees will be entitled to any applicable state or federal leave as required by law.
    • The department, in conjunction with Risk Management, will provide a status report to the CAO annually. The status report will include information regarding implementation of the temporary transitional duty program within the department. The CAO will address the content of the report directly with each department. 

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