- News
- Events
- Winter Storm Event 2023
- Deferred Compensation
- Employee Assistance Program
- eForms
- Email Services
- Benefits
- Employee Self Service
- Lactation Accommodation Request Form
- SCPA Benefit Summary
- Dimensions System
- VHR Program
- Employee Safety and Health
- Staying Connected
- Kaiser Occ Health
- Flexible Spending Account
- Disaster Worker
- Trainings
- Drug-Free Workplace
- Preface
- 1-1 Advisory Bodies Roles and Relationships
- 1-2 Providing County Support of Grant Applications from Outside Agencies
- 2-1 Policy for Submitting Agenda Items
- 2-2 Departmental Representation at BOS Meetings
- 2-3 Policy for Board Chambers Security
- 3-1 Policy for Appropriation Transfers
- 3-2 Travel and Meal Reimbursements
- 3-3 Interdepartmental Billings for Services Policy
- 3-4 Policy for Memberships to Professional Associations & Organizations – Use of Public Funds
- 4-1 Performance Evaluations
- 4-2 Policy for Position Allocation List
- 4-3 Position Reclassifications
- 4-4 EEO Policy
- 4-5 Departmental/Internal Reorganizations
- 4-6 Policy for Hiring/Retaining Personnel Services in EMP or Ind. Contractor Status - See Civil Service Rules
- 4-7 Policy for Flexible Merit Increases
- 4-8 Advanced Salary Step Appointments
- 4-9 Policy for Relocation Incentives
- 4-10 Medical Leave Policy
- 4-11 Preemployment Preplacement Screening Policy
- 4-12 COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Policy
- 4-13 Telework Policy
- 4-14 Lactation Policy
- 5-1 Vehicle Use
- 5-2 Policy for Capital Project and Asset Responsibility
- 5-3 Public Art Policy
- 6-1 Records Retention Storage Destruction Policy
- 6-2 Incompatible Activities Policy
- 6-3 TTrD Policy
- 6-4 Safety Management Policy
- 6-5 Identity Theft Prevention Program
- 7-1 Purchasing Policy
- 7-2 Real Property Acquisition and Management Policy
- 8-1 Investigations of Alleged Inappropriate Activities
- 8-2 Reasonable Suspicion Policy
- 8-3 Safety and Security for County Employees
- 8-4 Policy for Receipt and Distribution of Tickets or Passes
- 9-1 Official Use of Social Media Sites Policy
- 9-2 IT Use and Security Policy
- 9-3 Website Accessibility Policy
- 9-4 Information Technology Professionals Policy
- 9-5 Information Technology Governance Policy
- 9-6 Information Technology Artificial Intelligence (AI) Policy
- Employee & Volunteer Engagement & Recognition (EVER)
- Combined Fund Drive
- Website Accessibility Assistance
- Back to Employee Services
Employee Trainings
All in-person classes are cancelled until further notice. Sonoma Higher Ed, the County’s Learning Management System (LMS), will continue to offer online training opportunities to employees.
sonoma higher ed
Sonoma higher ed is a cloud-based system that can be accessed from any computer. County staff members can easily launch each course themselves or a course or courses can be assigned to a specific group by an LMS Administrator.
For more information about sonoma higher ed: http://sonomacounty.ca.gov/HR/Employee-Resources/sonoma-higher-ed/
Select one of the following links to access sonoma higher ed from any internet-connected device. You will need your network login credentials to access the system.
- County network: https://sonomacounty.sabacloud.com
- Human Services: https://sonomacounty-hsd.sabacloud.com
- Water Agency: https://sonomacounty-water.sabacloud.com
Instructions for sonoma higher ed (PDF: 295 kB)
New general information topics relevant to the Coronavirus pandemic are available online through sonoma higher ed. These LMS courses are direct links to informational videos provided by the indicated authoring agency. They are not comprehensive training modules and are intended to provide information only.
Topics currently available include:
- What Should You Do If You Get the Flu (CDC)
- What You Need to Know About Hand Washing (CDC)
- Live Hand Washing Presentation (CDC)
- Happy Hand Washing Song (CDC)
- Cover Your Coughs and Sneezes (CDC)
- COVID-19: Stop the Spread of Germs - Silent (CDC)
- Clean Hands Help Prevent the Flu (CDC)
- Disposable Glove Removal Safety (UCLA-EHS)
- The Right Way to Cover Your Cough (Hamilton Healthcare)
- COVID-19: What Older Adults Need to Know (CDC)
- COVID-19: CDC Briefing Room 3/9/2020 (CDC)
- COVID-19: How Does the Coronavirus Spread? (CDC)
- COVID-19: How Can I Protect Myself? (CDC)
- Coronavirus Precautions and Prevention: Common Sense Hygiene
- Coronavirus Precautions and Prevention: Coronavirus Preparedness
- Coronavirus Precautions and Prevention: Stay Calm, Stay Informed
- Coronavirus Precautions and Prevention: Travel Safely
Online General Staff and Managerial Covid-19-Related Program Offerings
HR-Workforce Development has engaged nationally known crisis and resiliency expert, Dr. Beth A. Cohen, to provide two sessions each of two different 90-minute WebEx programs; one designed for general staff and one available only to supervisorial and managerial staff as follows:
- FOR ALL STAFF: Navigating Psycho-social Impacts of COVID-19
- Monday, MAY 11th - Staff Line Program (1:30-3:00 PM)
- Monday, MAY 18th - Staff Line Program (10:00-11:30 AM)
- FOR MANAGERIAL STAFF: Leading Sonoma County Through Crisis and Uncertainty: COVID-19
- Monday, MAY 11th - Managers Program (10:00-11:30 AM)
- Monday, MAY 18th - Managers Program (1:30-3:00 PM)
(NOTE: The Managerial Staff program will only appear in your LMS if you are already a supervisor or a manager.)
Additional sessions will be scheduled based on the response to these first sessions and interest in additional ones.
Each of these WebEx programs is being offered through sonoma higher ed and will allow for several hundred employees to access the sessions simultaneously. Search for “Navigating psychosocial” in sonoma higher ed.
Instructions for sonoma higher ed (PDF: 295 kB)
(IMPORTANT NOTE: When you register for the class and time that you want for this training, click on the COURSE TITLE instead of the LAUNCH button. To REGISTER for the training, click ENROLL. The class title screen will pop up. EXIT the title screen by clicking the X in the TOP RIGHT CORNER. On the scheduled date and time of the training, click LAUNCH and view the activity. You will find the WebEx LINK on page 2.)
AB 1825 Preventing Harassment, Discrimination & Retaliation in the Workplace
New legislation expands harassment prevention training and requires and requires all County employees to complete this training on a regular basis. Prior to the new legislation, harassment prevention training was required only for managerial, supervisory, and lead-worker employees.
All County employees (including extra-help and interns) are required to take the same two-hour training by the end of 2020 and every two years thereafter. The training is based on AB 1825 requirements and meets the needs of the new legislation. Employees who have already taken AB 1825 training will remain on their two-year cycle.
If you have not taken AB 1825 training within the last two years, you will receive an email to your County email account from sonoma higher ed advising you that you have been assigned to complete the course Preventing Harassment, Discrimination, and Retaliation in the Workplace.
You can also access the training before it is assigned to you by logging into sonoma higher ed using the instructions above and searching for the training using any key words such as "AB 1825", "harassment", "discrimination", or "retaliation".
We are recommending employees take this opportunity to complete the required AB 1825: Preventing Harassment, Discrimination, and Retaliation in the Workplace while working remotely.
Additional Online Trainings
In addition to the Preventing Harassment, Discrimination, and Retaliation in the Workplace training, the following are additional online trainings available in sonoma higher ed you may find of interest:
Diversity Micro-Series
Working Well with Everyone
- 01-What is Diversity
- 02-The Diversity Continuum
- 03-The Mistake of Stereotyping
- 04-The Power of Inclusion
- 05-Diversity = Greatness
Cross-Cultural Considerations
- 03-Cultural Intelligence
Defeating Unconscious Bias
- Defeating Unconscious Bias
Additional topics are being reviewed and will be added soon.
New online trainings are now available in sonoma higher ed:
- Working Remotely
- Healthy Communication 05: Communicating with Your Remote Team
Office Ergonomics
A new office ergonomics training titled SAFETY - Office Ergonomics for California is now available in sonoma higher ed. We have all felt aches and pains from bad posture, repetitive work, and sitting or standing in one position for extended periods. Working in an office can take a toll on your muscles, but proper ergonomics can make you more comfortable and efficient. The goal of this course is to assist you in evaluating and modifying your office work environment to reduce ergonomic risk. Ideal learners are office workers or anyone who works at a desk.
For support with using sonoma higher ed, please contact the 'ed support team at: sonoma.higher.ed@sonoma-county.org