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Human Resources Department

Employee Resources

4-3 Position Reclassifications

Equal Employment Opportunity Americans with Disability Act 500

Return to Administrative Policy Manual

Approved: County Administrator
Authority: Human Resources / County Administrator
Revised Date: October 1, 2007

  1. Purpose
  2. Policy
  3. Responsibilities

I. Purpose

To ensure all jobs performed by employees be properly described and grouped in accordance with modern position classification principles and in accordance with the requirements of the County’s Civil Service Ordinance and the Rules of the Civil Service Commission.

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II. Policy

In accordance with Civil Service Commission Rules and Memoranda of Understanding (MOU), a department head, an employee organization, an individual employee of the County, the County Administrator, the Civil Service Commission, and the Board of Supervisors each may request the Director of Human Resources to do a classification study or review of a single position, a group of positions, or a classification series because of a significant change in duties and responsibilities assigned to the position.  The Director of Human Resources will process such requests under Rule 3 of the Civil Service Commission’s Rules.  The study or review will objectively assess the duties and responsibilities assigned to the position, groups of positions or classification, the training and education needed to perform the job duties, and related issues such as the ability to properly recruit and examine potential job applicants and candidates.

Common job assignments will be grouped as much as possible in order to prevent the proliferation of job classes.  Separate job classes will be established by the Board of Supervisors only when significant differences in job duties and responsibilities are believed to be present or are recognized and recommended by the Civil Service Commission.  Minimal differences in job duties and responsibilities found in existing class specifications will result in existing class specifications being expanded to reflect those minimal differences.

The job classification system and reviews are not the appropriate mechanisms to address salary inequities or salary issues.  If the Board of Supervisors establishes a new classification recommended by the Civil Service Commission, the salary range for that classification will be determined by negotiation with the appropriate employee organization and in accordance with existing MOU requirements.

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III. Responsibilities

Department heads are responsible for seeing that employees do not work outside of the range of duties identified in their specific position classifications and are expected to correct such situations within their departments. Department heads shall review proposed position classification requests and assist the Director of Human Resources in responding to requests for information and reviewing classification studies and reviews.  Position classification requests are not to be included with the department head’s annual budget request.

The Director of Human Resources is responsible for fairly and adequately evaluating the duties and responsibilities of individual positions, groups of positions or classification requested to be studied.  Such studies will be conducted in a timely manner based on priorities established by the Director of Human Resources in consultation with the County Administrator.

For procedures and forms for position reclassification requests refer to The Job Classification Process located on the Human Resources Intranet web page or contact the Director of Human Resources.

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