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Department of Health Services

Environmental Health

Summary of Mobile Food Facility Regulations


 To: Prospective Food Vendors
 Subject: Public Health Laws Relating to the Operation of Mobile Food Facility
 References: California Health and Safety Code, Chapter 4, California Retail Food Code (Cal-Code), Chapter 10, Mobile Food Facilities, Sections 114295, 114326, Commissaries, Chapter 11, Temporary Food Facilities, NSF International Standard 59


  1. Mobile food preparation units shall be constructed to meet NSF Standard 59.
    To obtain a copy of NSF Standard 59, contact Customer Standard Services (800) 673-6275, 310 Miller Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48103.
  2. Mobile food preparation units with potentially hazardous food shall have approved means of refrigeration capable of maintaining the food at 41ºF or below. Ice and dry ice are not acceptable as the sole method of temperature maintenance.
  3. A Restroom Agreement for food service personnel is required, if vehicle stops for more than a 1-hour period of time at any location. The restroom must meet Cal-Code Section 114315 requirements for toilet and handwashing and be within 200 feet of the MFF. (See Vehicle Data Sheet for information)
    Note: City or County Zoning or Use Permit may be required.
  4. All mobile food preparation units shall operate out of a commissary. Restaurants, retail food markets or other similar food establishments may be suitable for use as commissaries. Provide a copy of the Commissary Agreement.
  5. Mobile food preparation units shall report to the commissary at least once each operating day for cleaning and servicing operations. Units shall be stored at the commissary.
  6. Obtain approval from the local planning authority prior to operating at a given location.
  7. Obtain a County of Sonoma Retail Food Industry Permit from the Environmental Health Division and pay the annual fee, prior to operating. An Environmental Health Specialist must also inspect your unit prior to opening your business.
  8. See the text of Chapter 10, Mobile Food Facilities, and Sections 114295, 114326 Commissaries.
  9. State Department of Housing and Community Development certification. The insignia is the property of the State and is usually located near the driver side door. If there is no evidence of State certification, refer the owner to (916) 255-2532 (for new MFF-Vehicles).
  10. Food handler certification is required for at least one person in every mobile food preparation unit. Certification must be obtained within 60 days of opening a new business. See “State of California Food Handlers Certification Requirements” document enclosed.
  11. For further information, contact Environmental Health at (707) 565-6565 and request to speak to the Mobile Food Facility (MFF) program lead specialist.