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Department of Health Services

Environmental Health

Food Facility Inspections

Color-coded placards

When an operating permit is issued to a new food facility, such as a restaurant, market, deli, or café in Sonoma County, the initial inspection is performed within 30 days.

All food facilities are inspected once or twice per year. Typically inspections are not scheduled or announced. The inspection criteria used by our food inspectors is outlined in the field inspection guide (PDF: 1.2 MB).

Food Facility Inspection Reports

We are excited to announce our new food facility inspection results website. The website includes up to two years of inspection history.

Food facilities such as restaurants, grocery stores, bakeries, bars, and bed and breakfast inns receive routine food safety inspections. The website includes the most recent inspection and up to two years of inspection history. Permit suspensions or revocations and permit reinstatements are also included. 

 Inspection terminology and explanations of violations are also found in the food facility inspection results website.

 Inspection information for temporary food facilities at community events are not included.

 We welcome your feedback on our new food facility inspection results website.

Color-Coded Placarding

(Here's How It Works)

Color coded placards

When a food facility is inspected, it is given a color-coded placard. The placard is posted in clear view near the entrance to each food facility. It delivers a clear and simple message to the public about a facility's food safety practices, and assists the community in making informed decisions.

The Placards

Pass: Green Placard – An acceptable level of compliance was achieved. No more than one major violation was observed and corrected at the time of inspection.

Conditional Pass: Yellow Placard – Two or more major violations were observed and corrected at time of inspection. A follow-up inspection will be conducted within 24 - 72 hours.

Closed: Red Placard – Closure was required due to an imminent danger to public health or safety.


The color-coded placarding program was approved by the Board of Supervisors on March 1, 2016 and was implemented on June 1, 2016.  It will take approximately 6 months to a year for each food facility in the program to receive their placard.

We welcome your feedback on this new program.

Resources for Food Facility Operators

Overview: Color-coded placard program

Overview: Color-Coded Placard Program
English | Spanish (PDF: 263 KB)

Placard placement guidelines

Placard Placement Guidelines
English | Spanish (PDF: 274 KB)

Presentation - How to get a green placard

Presentation: How to Get a Green Placard
English | Spanish (PDF: 2.7 MB )

Quick guide - How to get a green placard

Quick Guide: How to Get a Green Placard 
English | Spanish (PDF: 232 KB )

Inspection Form - Sample

Sample Inspection Form (PDF: 730 KB)

Field inspection guide

Field Inspection Guide (PDF: 1.2 MB)

Food Inspections Map

SoCo Data

SoCoData is the open data portal for the County of Sonoma. Food facility inspection data is provided through the data portal as a food facility inspection map.