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Department of Health Services

Environmental Health

Prepackaged/No Food Preparation: Temporary Food Facility Operational Requirements


Temporary food facility operational requirements differ based on the preparation level. Please meet the requirements for your level of preparation when designing and using your temporary food facility.

Definition: Prepackaged/No Food Preparation

Prepackaged/No Food Preparation permits are issued for temporary food facilities that sell or give away prepackaged, non-potentially hazardous food, such as prepackaged candy, jam, olive oil, beer and wine.  Whole produce is also included in this category. Prepackaged food must be properly labeled and from an approved source.  Sampling may occur if the samples are non-potentially hazardous and are prepared ahead of time in an approved location. 

A hand wash sink is required for all temporary food facilities that dispense beverages including beer and wine, as well as those booths that sample food.

Site Requirements and Equipment Plan

No Sampling

Floors, Walls, and Ceiling

  • Floor: Canvas, plywood, plastic, tarp, concrete or asphalt.
  • Walls: No side walls needed for facilities conducting limited food preparation.
  • Ceiling: A canopy or roof structure is required for overhead protection.


  • Not applicable

Signs and Documentation

  • Facility name in letters at least 3" high.
  • Operator name, city, state and zip code at least 1" high letters.
  • Food permit posted in public view.
  • Notice informing public that last inspection report is available for review.
  • Temporary Food Facility Self-Inspection Checklist completed and signed prior to preparing food.

Labeling of Prepackaged Food

All prepackaged food shall be labeled with the:

  • Common name
  • List of ingredients
  • Quantity of contents
  • Name and place of business of manufacturer, packer or distributor


  • All food stored 6" off floor.
  • Overnight food held in a permitted food facility.

Hot Holding Equipment

  • Not applicable

Food Preparation Counters

  • Not applicable


  • Facilities with perishable food must provide a metal probe thermometer accurate to ±1°C or 2°F.

Cold Handling Equipment

  • Ice for cooler chests shall not be used for consumption.

Refrigeration Equipment

  • Provide adequate cold holding equipment to hold perishable food at 45°F or colder. At the end of the operating day, perishable food held at 45°F must be discarded.
  • If perishable food is held at 41°F or colder during the day, it may be kept overnight. Overnight storage requires being held in a permitted food facility, mechanical refrigeration and the food is held at 41°F or colder.

Water Supply

  • Not applicable


  • Not applicable

Handwashing in Booth

  • Not applicable

Utensil Washing

  • Not applicable

Toilet Facilities with Lavatory

  • Toilet facilities must be located within 200 feet, with running water, soap and paper towels.

Trash Cans

  • Not applicable