Commission on the Status of Women Meeting
Date: June 13, 2024
Time: 6:00 p.m. - 5:09 a.m.
Museum of Sonoma County
425 7th St, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Limited seating is available for public participants.
Registration Required: No
First District: Joanne M. Brown (OAL), Nancy Padian,Haunani Pakaki
Second District: Katie Gordon((On Leave of Absence), Rebecca Kaykas-Wolff
Third District: Ofra Isler, Ana Diaz-Garcia, Melanie Jones-Carter (Vice-Chair)
Fourth District: Gina Fortino Dickson (Chair), Letitia Hanke
Fifth District: Jessica Wood, Angie Dillon-Shore, Zobida McCorquodale
At the beginning of each Commission meeting, any member of the public may address the Commissionconcerning any item not on the Commission's agenda. Speakers will be limited to three (3) minutes unless otherwise specified by the Chair or the Presiding Officer. The public will be given an opportunity to speak on each business item at the time it is called. The Commission may discuss
and/or take action regarding any or all of the items listed below.
Presenting the award to five outstanding leaders that improve the lives of women and girls in
Sonoma County.
Items that are considered routine in nature that require no further discussion from the commission.
a. Approval of the May 9, 2024 Meeting Minutes
b. Legislative Action Item Letter Approval- Review and approve a letter for senators and presidents to support on behalf of the equal rights amendment.
a. Election- Take nominations and vote for Officers.
a. CSW Special Breakfast Event on June 19th at Sally Tomatoes– Please RSVP and arrive at 8:30am to help out.
Proposal, discussion, and possible action items for next Commission meeting. (No action required by commissioners for this section).
Meeting Documentation
Changes to the Brown Act authorized by Governor Newsom in response to Covid-19
In accordance with AB 361, Governor Newsom’s March 4, 2020 State of Emergency due to COVID-19 pandemic, Sonoma County Public Health Officer’s Recommendation for Teleconference Meetings, and the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors Resolution 21-0399,the Commission on the Status of Women meetings will be held virtually.
Governor Newsom signed Assembly Bill 361 (AB 361) on September 16, 2021, which amends the Ralph M. Brown Act to provide additional provisions that allow meetings of legislative bodies to continue to be conducted via teleconference. This Resolution makes the findings to confirm the current conditions allow teleconference meetings pursuant to AB 361 for the Board of Supervisors and on behalf of all of the Commissions and Committees created by the Board of Supervisors pursuant to Government Code Section 54952(b). This will allow members of the public to safely observe and participate in local government meetings during the continued pandemic.
The following are key provisions of the Executive Order with the substantive changes from the prior order identified in bold below:
- Allows public agencies to hold public meetings via teleconference and to make the meeting accessible electronically or telephonically to all member of the public seeking to attend and address the Board.
- The requirement that each teleconference location be publicly accessible is suspended.
- The requirement to post agendas at all teleconference locations and notice each location where the member is calling in from is suspended.
- The requirement that at least a quorum be present in the boundaries of the jurisdiction is suspended.
- Notice must still be given 72 hours in advance for regular meeting and 24 hours in advance for special meetings.
- Local Agencies may hold meetings via teleconferencing and allow the public to observe and address the meeting telephonically or otherwise electronically. (NOTE: the prior order required at least one physical location be open for the public to observe and address the meeting. A physical location for observing the meeting is no longer required.)
- If meeting is held telephonically or otherwise electronically, agencies must implement a procedure for receiving and swiftly resolving requests for reasonable modification or accommodations from individuals with disabilities, consistent with the ADA. The procedure must be advertised each time notice of the meeting is given.
- Agencies are encouraged to use sound discretion and to make reasonable efforts to adhere to the Brown Act as closely as possible.
Agendas and Materials
Agendas and Materials: Agendas and most supporting materials are available on the Commission’s website.
Due to legal, copyright, privacy or policy considerations, not all materials are posted online.
NOTE: Due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation, materials that are not posted will be available directly from the Commission at
Disabled Accommodation
If you have a disability which requires an accommodation, an alternative format, or requires another person to assist you while attending this meeting, please contact CSW at, as soon as possible to ensure arrangements for accommodation.
For auxiliary aids or services or other reasonable accommodations to be provided by the County at or before the meeting please notify the Commission at least 3 business days in advance of the meeting date. If the County does not receive timely notification of your reasonable request, the County may not be able to make the necessary arrangements by the time of the meeting.
Notification List
Approval of the Consent Calendar
Public Comment
Any member of the audience desiring to address the Commission should wait to be called upon via the online meeting method. In order that all interested parties have an opportunity to provide comments, please be brief and limit your comments to the subject under discussion. (Please note that your comments will be read during the appropriate time in the meeting.)
Each person is usually granted 3 minutes to speak but in this case, the comments should be typed and the comments will be timed to the three (3) minute mark as they are read by the one of the officers.
Please note that while members of the public are welcome to address the Commission, under the Brown Act, Commission members may not deliberate or take action on items not on the agenda, and generally may only listen.
Commitment to Civil Engagement
All are encouraged to engage in respectful dialog that supports freedom of speech and values diversity of opinion. Commissioners, Staff, and the public are encouraged to:
- Create an atmosphere of respect and civility where Commissioners, County Staff, and the Public are free to express their ideas within the time and content parameters established by the Brown Act and CSW's standard Parliamentary procedures (Robert’s Rules of Order);
- Establish and maintain a cordial and respectful atmosphere during discussions;
- Foster meaningful dialogue free of attacks of a personal nature and/or attacks based on age, (dis)ability, class, education level, gender, gender identity, occupation, race and/or ethnicity, sexual orientation;
- Listen with an open mind to all information, including dissenting points of view, regarding issues presented to the Commission;
- Recognize it is sometimes difficult to speak at meetings, and out of respect for each person's perspective, allow speakers to have their say without comment or body gestures, including booing, whistling or clapping;
I Want To
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