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Human Resources Department

Commission on the Status of Women

Petaluma, Commissions and Committees

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Organizations that wish to be included on this list, or wish to inform us of a change in the services provided should contact us at

or Committee Name
Airport CommissionMake recommendations to the City Council on those matters which are properly the subject of formal action by the Council. They direct, within the limitations of the Petaluma Charter, the operations of the airport. They recommend ways and means of financing changes and additions to the airport. They approve and disapprove changes in the methods of operation proposed by the Airport Manager. They recommend changes in administrative policy, submit annually a completed financial statement correctly recording the operations of the prior fiscal year and recommend capital improvement projects. Serve one and four year terms
Animal Services Advisory CommitteeThe mission of the Animal Services Advisory Committee is to protect, promote respect for, and enhance the well-being of all animals in the Petaluma Community.3 years
Building Board of AppealsThe Building Board of Appeals consists of five members who are qualified by experience and training in the building and construction fields to hear and decide appeals of decisions of the Chief Building Official relative to application and interpretation of the Uniform Building Code, etc., adopted by the City and as such codes may be amended.Serve at the pleasure of the council
Groundwater Sustainability Advisory CommitteeAdvises the Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) Board on the development and implementation of a groundwater sustainability plan (GSP) and GSA policies. The intent of the committee is to provide community perspective and participation in the GSA. The committee will review and/or provide recommendations to the Board on groundwater-related issues.2 years
Historic and Cultural Preservation CommitteePromotes preservation of historic sites, landmarks, documents, paintings and objects associated with the City of Petaluma. Recommend to the Planning Commission that certain historic sites and landmarks be designated and/or acquired by the City. Administer the committee’s responsibilities as denoted by the zoning ordinance of the City of Petaluma. Advise the City Council on the administration of historic sites and landmarks as may be acquired by the City of Petaluma. Advise the City Council on the acceptance of gifts consisting of documents, paintings and other objects of historic value, as well as money when the same if given to be used for the acquisition of property, real or personal, of historic interest, except for the donations, purchases and acceptance of gifts for the Petaluma Museum. Recommend to the City Council the documents, paintings and objects of historic value associated with the history of the City, to be acquired by the City, except for the donations, purchases, and acceptance of gifts for the Petaluma Museum. Advise the City Council on all matters relating to the historic and cultural preservation of the City, in particular state and federal designations and registration of historic landmarks. Annually submit to the Planning Commission a report of its activities in the preceding year.4 years
Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory CommitteeThe Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee (PBAC) are charged with making recommendations for bicycle and pedestrian facilities in accordance with the Petaluma Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. The PBAC is also responsible for developing bicycle and pedestrian projects and submitting them for final adoption by the Sonoma County Transportation Authority. Additionally, PBAC reviews development applications, solicits public comment and forwards bicycle and pedestrian related improvement recommendations to the Planning Commission and City Council.4 years
Planning CommissionThe Planning Commission performs the duties prescribed in the present or any future zoning ordinance (Title 21) or subdivision regulations (Title 20) of the City or any similar ordinance, statute, rule or regulation of the State, County or this City pertaining to the districting or zoning or dividing the City into districts or zones and regulating the construction of improvements, the use, division or minor subdivision of property within the City. Also, the Planning Commission is charged with the responsibility of studying the needs of the City with respect to and advise and recommend to the Council concerning the establishment, modifications, and change of zones or districts and designations of the uses to which property contained therein may be prohibited, restricted and regulated and other duties as may be delegated by the City Council. 4 years
Public Art CommitteeThe Public Art Committee reviews and approves public art applications and related materials for any public art project on public property or as part of a public construction project as defined in Chapter 19.6 of the Zoning Ordinance, and provides general oversight of the Public Art Program, its projects, and sites.4 years
Recreation, Music, and Parks CommissionThe Recreation, Music, and Parks Commission was established to serve in an advisory capacity to the City Manager, City Council, and Recreation Services Director on all matters pertaining to public recreation, including the management, conduct, and care of the parks and playgrounds in the City, cultural arts programs, musical entertainment and programs by the municipal band and other musical organizations. The Commission studies the needs of the City and the means of meeting such needs in connection with all such matters pertaining to public recreation, cultural arts, music and other entertainment. The Commission counsels the Recreation Services Director and the City Manager in connection with the preparation of the annual budget for the Recreation Services Department, and makes recommendations with respect thereto to the City Manager and City Council. The Commission assists in the planning of recreation and cultural arts programs for the residents of the City and promotes and stimulates public interest therein, and, to that end, solicits to the fullest possible extent the cooperation of special authorities and other public and private agencies interested therein. The Commission studies present and future needs of the City with respect to recreation, music, and park facilities, programs, and events, and makes recommendations to the City Council and City Manager concerning the same.4 years
Senior Advisory CommitteeThe Senior Advisory Committee advises the City on issues and programs for seniors and active adults and the operation of senior facilities. 2 years
Sonoma County Library Commission / Petaluma Library Advisory Board

Sonoma County Library Commission: Council appoints one Petaluma resident to a 4-year term on the Library Commission. That person also serves as the Commission’s Liaison on the Petaluma Library Advisory Board.

Petaluma Library Advisory Board: Council appoints a Council Liaison to the Petaluma Library Advisory Board for a term of 1 calendar year.

Technology Advisory CommitteeThe Technology Advisory Committee assists the City of Petaluma in making efficient, economical, and productive use of technology and telecommunications. The committee studies local issues and submits recommendations to the City Council to ensure that the citizens of Petaluma benefit from the opportunities that today’s technology has to offer and to promote access to electronic information and community resources for all, protecting individual privacy and supporting free expression.2 years
Transit Advisory CommitteeThe Transit Advisory Committee with the assistance of the Transportation Manager, assures review of critical issues related to the City’s transit operations and the regional bus and rail operations within the City of Petaluma.2 years
Tree Advisory CommitteeThe Tree Committee is charged with duties designated and delegated by the City Council on matters pertaining to the management of tree resources within the City. The Committee also serves as a forum for the coordination of tree-related policies, and advises the City on matters referred by City departments, and other Council-appointed hearing bodies. 2 years
Youth CommissionThe purpose of the commission is to be an advocate for the well-being and development of youth through age 21 in the City of Petaluma and in the five areas of their mission: health, safety, recreation, jobs, and community engagement.varies by age