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- Preface
- 1-1 Advisory Bodies Roles and Relationships
- 1-2 Providing County Support of Grant Applications from Outside Agencies
- 2-1 Policy for Submitting Agenda Items
- 2-2 Departmental Representation at BOS Meetings
- 2-3 Policy for Board Chambers Security
- 3-1 Policy for Appropriation Transfers
- 3-2 Travel and Meal Reimbursements
- 3-3 Interdepartmental Billings for Services Policy
- 3-4 Policy for Memberships to Professional Associations & Organizations – Use of Public Funds
- 4-1 Performance Evaluations
- 4-2 Policy for Position Allocation List
- 4-3 Position Reclassifications
- 4-4 EEO Policy
- 4-5 Departmental/Internal Reorganizations
- 4-6 Policy for Hiring/Retaining Personnel Services in EMP or Ind. Contractor Status - See Civil Service Rules
- 4-7 Policy for Flexible Merit Increases
- 4-8 Advanced Salary Step Appointments
- 4-9 Policy for Relocation Incentives
- 4-10 Medical Leave Policy
- 4-11 Preemployment Preplacement Screening Policy
- 4-12 COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Policy
- 4-13 Telework Policy
- 4-14 Lactation Policy
- 5-1 Vehicle Use
- 5-2 Policy for Capital Project and Asset Responsibility
- 5-3 Public Art Policy
- 6-1 Records Retention Storage Destruction Policy
- 6-2 Incompatible Activities Policy
- 6-3 TTrD Policy
- 6-4 Safety Management Policy
- 6-5 Identity Theft Prevention Program
- 7-1 Purchasing Policy
- 7-2 Real Property Acquisition and Management Policy
- 8-1 Investigations of Alleged Inappropriate Activities
- 8-2 Reasonable Suspicion Policy
- 8-3 Safety and Security for County Employees
- 8-4 Policy for Receipt and Distribution of Tickets or Passes
- 9-1 Official Use of Social Media Sites Policy
- 9-2 IT Use and Security Policy
- 9-3 Website Accessibility Policy
- 9-4 Information Technology Professionals Policy
- 9-5 Information Technology Governance Policy
- 9-6 Information Technology Artificial Intelligence (AI) Policy
- Employee & Volunteer Engagement & Recognition (EVER)
- Combined Fund Drive
- Website Accessibility Assistance
- Back to Administrative Policy Manual
4-13 Telework Policy Manual - Section III: Policy Guidelines and Procedures
« Return to Telework Policy Table of Contents
Approved: Board of Supervisors
Authority: Human Resources
Date: May 3, 2022
Read next: IV. Employee Responsibility for Teleworking Costs and Equipment »
III. Policy Guidelines and Procedures
Employees must have an approved Telework Agreement authorizing a telework arrangement. A Telework Agreement defines a cooperative arrangement between the Department and an employee. Department heads/designee(s) may assign and authorize Telework Agreements consistent with the eligibility criteria outlined in Section 2. of this policy using the Telework Agreement form. Approved, signed Telework Agreements are to be filed in the employee’s Personnel File.
Departments may implement detailed procedures depending on their operations and Department Heads may assign designees to approve telework requests. Recommended procedures include:
- Employee submits telework request to supervisor/immediate manager.
- Supervisor/immediate manager reviews and considers request, and makes recommendation to department head, if required by departmental procedures.
- Department head/designee, or supervisor/immediate manager reviews request and: approves, denies, or asks for modifications to the request.
- Employee is advised of the decision
- If the request is denied, a verbal or written explanation is provided.
- Employee may request a secondary review per Section 2, C.
- If telework request is approved, a Telework Agreement is completed and signed, a copy is provided to the employee, and the original is filed in the employee personnel file.
Employees who are approved to telework for 50% or more of their regular bi-weekly work schedule may be required to share work space and/or equipment, or work in a designated shared desk (known as “hoteling” or “hot desk” location) at the department heads discretion. Employees will be given at least 10 County business days’ notice prior to moving to a shared workspace.