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Human Resources Department

Employee Resources

Background Purpose and Scope

County Administrator's Office

I. Background

Social networking (as defined below) holds great promise as a tool for Local Agencies to communicate directly with their constituencies regarding issues and services. This policy is designed to support efficient use of these technologies within parameters appropriate for a government agency.

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II. Purpose

This policy establishes consistent standards for, and ensures appropriate use of, Social Media administered by a Local Agency.

For the purpose of this policy, the term “Social Media” refers to media that allow users to collaborate and share information with a network of other users or the community as a whole, including but not limited to Facebook©, Twitter©, and YouTube©.

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III. Scope

This policy applies to all Local Agency-Sponsored Social Media sites. This policy is not intended to regulate the personal activities of Local Agency employees or contractors with respect to the use of Social Media. References to Local Agency business on personal Social Media sites are insufficient to convert such a site into a Local Agency-Sponsored Social Media Site. A Local Agency-Sponsored Social Media Site is one designed and administered by a Local Agency to represent the Local Agency in an official capacity.

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