Jessica Wood
Jessica Wood has lived in Sonoma County for the last 19 years. She is working as an Assistant Director to the Children’s Ministry for Living Roots Church in Santa Rosa. Her favorite things to do at this job are to put on Outreach Events and Youth Nights to be able to shepherd young hearts and build community with children and youth. She knows firsthand what a difference it makes.
Jessica holds two Associate Degrees in Administration of Justice and Behavioral Sciences and a certificate for Children in the Justice System from Santa Rosa Junior College. She holds her Bachelor’s Degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies from Sonoma State University. Jessica is a full-time Graduate Student and working on her last year in the Masters in Public Administration Program at SSU.
Since 2010, Jessica has been a strong advocate for Parent Voices Sonoma. She served as the Parent Voices Organizer at 4C’s of Sonoma County until 2016. Advocating for childcare and children has been one of Jessica’s many passions. She loves to empower others and teach people that their voice matters!
Jessica has experienced what it’s like to be an at-risk youth, being involved in gangs and eventually ending up as a teen mother at the age of 17. She was a victim of Domestic Violence and sexual abuse as a young girl and works to spread awareness to programs that help women get out of those situations. She has worked on local campaigns and has also worked as a Student Intern at the Board of Supervisors for Fifth District Supervisor, Lynda Hopkins.
Out of all of the things in Jessica’s life that keep her busy, she is most at home when she is with her two sons who are her biggest joy. She feels lucky every day to be called “mom.” One is 18 years old and the other is 10. Being a single mother has been one of the hardest things to do in Jessica’s life but by far the most rewarding.
Jessica is passionate about serving her community and making sure that all voices, especially women of color and all people are represented at the decision making tables. She is blessed and honored to serve Sonoma County as the Fifth District Commissioner. Jessica is excited to be the Canvassing Lead on Supervisor Shirlee Zane's re-election campaign and believes that having strong women in leadership roles is vital to a vibrant, successful community. She is also currently working as a Substitute Credentialed Teacher for Santa Rosa City Schools and hopes to bring about change in her community, by pursuing a career in public service.