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Human Resources Department

Employee Resources

Responsibilities, Compliance and Resources

Information Systems Department

VI. Responsibilities

  1. Agencies are responsible for implementing this Policy.
  2. Agency web page developers, content providers and document authors are responsible for ensuring Agency websites and content comply with this Policy. Agency web page developers and content providers (includes document authors) shall become familiar with the guidelines for achieving accessibility and shall apply these principles in designing and creating any official Agency websites or content.
  3. The Information Systems Department (ISD) is responsible for developing and maintaining the “Web Standards and Guidelines – County of Sonoma” (Standards.)
  4. The Human Resources ADA Coordinator is responsible for administering this Policy and for resolving any grievances related to this Policy.

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VII. Compliance

To achieve the objectives of this policy, Agencies must be able to demonstrate that they have designed and maintained their websites according to the Standards. For websites hosted by ISDISD will provide support on compliance and resources for Agencies to ensure posted material complies with this policy. Agencies that host their own websites, or contract for this service, are responsible for meeting or exceeding the compliance and monitoring provisions provided by ISD.

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