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Human Resources Department

Coronavirus - Update From County Administrator

Published: March 14, 2020

Dear Sonoma County Employees,

I would like to take this opportunity to reach out to our County family and extend my gratitude for the tremendous work you are doing for our community. I truly appreciate everyone’s efforts in maintaining essential core services during these stressful and trying times.

Communication & Operations

All employees are requested to carefully read and understand the information available at as the official County website for centralized emergency information in an effort to protect ourselves, our families, and the general public so we can stay safe and sustain essential County services.

Following the declaration of a Local Public Health Emergency and Local Emergency on March 2, 2020, in response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the County’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) has been running two shifts daily to support efforts to provide timely information to our health partners, employees, and the public, while assisting departments in gearing up for a possible escalation of this emergency. Staffing of EOC activities is a major and vital priority, and staffing needs may increase depending on what public health determines as necessary. As a result, other priorities and timelines are being re-evaluated in order to ensure there is sufficient staffing resources to support the EOC and maintain essential department services.

Human Resources is also arranging for additional flu clinics to provide staff the opportunity to receive this season’s flu shot if they have not already done so. If you missed the Flu Clinics held in the Fall, you can now obtain a free flu shot through a County sponsored clinic.

At present, we have one Flu Clinic set up: Tuesday, March 17, 2020   -  Cancelled

Employee Information and Training

Specific guidance related to County employee leaves, including absences due to school closures, and temporary tele-work options I am encouraging department heads to consider opportunities for staff to temporarily tele-work where appropriate. In addition, new trainings specific to employee health and safety related to the current emergency are available in the County’s Learning Management System at:

Virtual Town Hall

On March 11, 2020, Supervisor Susan Gorin (Chair, Sonoma County Board of Supervisors), Chris Godley (Director, Sonoma County Emergency Management), and Dr. Sundari Mase (Sonoma County Public Health Officer) hosted a virtual town hall to present information and answer questions related to the current emergency. Watch the virtual town hall

Corona Virus video link

Please remember to follow the steps recommended for flu prevention from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Keep your hands clean, avoid touching your face (nose, eyes, mouth), cover coughs and sneezes, maintain social distancing, and avoid close contact with individuals who appear sick. Additionally, frequently clean your work area and other tools and equipment you use, such as phone receivers, cell phones, laptops, keyboards, etc.

Thank you again for your commitment to serving our community.

Sheryl Bratton