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Department of Human Services

For Immediate Release

January 7, 2019 - Train as a Coach to Help Older Adults Prevent Falls

Santa Rosa,CA | November 21, 2018

Become a certified coach for an award-winning fall prevention program and help older adult increase their safety, balance, strength and confidence on their feet. Register today for the January 7, 2019 training for volunteer coaches with the nationally acclaimed A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns about Falls.

Falls are the #1 reason that older Sonoma County adults have to visit an emergency room. These injuries can result in hip fractures, sprains or concussion, followed by a long recovery. Severe injuries lower older adults’ quality of life and may force them to leave their homes for care in a facility.

A one-day training to become a certified coach will be offered:

Date: Monday, January 7, 2019
Time: 8:30 AM - 5 PM
Location: Human Services Department
Adult and Aging Division
3725 Westwind Boulevard
Santa Rosa, CA 95403

Sign up today by email: or call: (707) 565-5936. For details about the program, visit the A Matter of Balance website.

“We don’t have to accept falling as a normal part of aging. Coaches have fun while helping older adults learn to stay safely on their feet,” says Human Services Adult & Aging Director Paul Dunaway. “Matter of Balance coaches tell us how satisfying it is to help older adults gain physical confidence and boost their sense of optimism.”

Coaches are trained in facilitation skills and teaching practical coping strategies to reduce both older adults’ fear of falling and their risk of falling. They use group discussion, mutual problem solving and lifestyle strategies to teach safety, exercises to improve strength, coordination and balance, and how to evaluate home safety. Within a year after certification, they lead at least two class series of eight, two-hour classes. Classes are held throughout Sonoma County.

The Sonoma County A Matter of Balance curriculum is based on Fear of Falling: A Matter of Balance and used by permission of Boston University.


Contact Information

Kris Montgomery
Communications Manager, Human Services Department
(707) 565-8085