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Human Services Department

Employment & Training Division

CAPI: Cash Assistance for Immigrants

What is CAPI?

CAPI provides a cash benefits for legal non-citizens in financial need who are ineligible for federal Supplement Income (SSI) due to their immigrant status. Blind or disabled non-citizens of any age, or seniors aged 65 and older may be eligible to receive CAPI.

 Sonoma County does not administer the CAPI Program, but we can assist you in the application process.

 Eligibility for CAPI

  • You may be eligible for CAPI if you:
  •  Are age 65 or older, blind, or disabled
  •  Are ineligible for SSI/SSP solely due to immigration status. This means a CAPI applicant must apply for SSI/SSP, or submit other proof of ineligibility from the Social Security Administration
  •  Live in California
  •  Have little or no income, and
  •  Have resources that are valued at less than $2,000 if you are single, or $3,000 if you are married
  •  We do not count the value of the home you live in or your car (if it does not have a market value greater than $4,500). We count all other property and income you have, both in the United States and in other countries.

How to Apply for CAPI

You can submit an application using any of the following methods:

  • In-Person at 2550 Paulin Dr, Santa Rosa or
  • Redwood Hwy N, Suite 100, Petaluma
  • Over the phone with the Economic Assistance Center at (877) 699-6868.
    Phone hours are Monday-Friday between 9am – 3:30pm
  • By Mail: P.O. Box 1539, Santa Rosa, CA 95402
  • By Fax: (707) 565-2929

 Download the application: CAPI application

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