Adult and Aging Division
Adult and Aging Division
Government Benefits

In Home Care & Caregiver Resources
Explore options for in-home care for older adults and people with disabilities.

Benefits available to U.S. military veterans and their families.

Care Management for Seniors
Need help with your care? Find out which care management program is right for you.

Medi-Cal and other Health Services
Medi-Cal is a program that offers free or low-cost health coverage for children and adults with limited income and resources. If you qualify, you can enroll in Medi-Cal year-round.

Medicare Counseling
Free information to help you choose the Medicare plan that's right for you.

CalFresh/EBT Food Benefits
CalFresh provides monthly assistance to low- or no-income individuals and families. Benefits are loaded onto an EBT card that works like a debit card to use at stores to buy food.