Care Management for Seniors
Get the Care you Need to Remain at Home
You, or someone you care for, want to remain living at home with an illness, injury or disability. However, you need support to find and manage services to stay safe and independent in your home.
The Adult & Aging Division offers three care management programs that can help eligible clients stay safely at home as an alternative to moving to a nursing home or care facility.
Three Care Management Options:

Linkages Care Management
Linkages is a shorter term (6 months to 1 year) for those 60+ who need assistance meeting life goals.

Home and Community Based Alternatives (HCBA)
HCBA is a longer term service for any age individual who qualifies for Medi-Cal and has a medical issue that may keep them from living at home.

Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP)
MSSP is a longer term service for 65+ individuals who qualify for Medi-Cal and have difficulty remaining at home.