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Human Services Department

Adult and Aging Division

Sonoma County Master Plan for Aging

“An aging population will introduce new opportunities for economic and community growth, but also drive increased health and long-term care costs. We need a plan that brings everyone to the table - local communities, labor, private sector and philanthropy - to help us understand what’s coming and guide us toward taking better care of older Californians.” 

- Governor Gavin Newsom announcing the signing of the Executive Order calling for the development of the State MPA 

Sonoma County’s population is changing. The number of older adults has dramatically increased over the last decade, and the shift will continue through the next decade. People 60 and over in Sonoma County comprise 28% of the population. By 2030, 35% of the population will be over 60, meaning more than one in three individuals will be an older adult. Combining this population shift with longer life expectancies, greater diversity within the older adult population, and changing expectations emphasizes the opportunity to expand efforts to address this growing population's needs.

Recognizing this opportunity to improve support for older adults, people with disabilities, and caregivers, our community adopted the Sonoma County Master Plan for Aging (MPA) and committed to a 10-year implementation. 

In alignment with the State MPA, our local MPA outlines six local goals and prioritizes 23 implementation strategies.

Six Bold Goal Areas

Get Involved

  • The Master Plan for Aging is a collective impact initiative. We need your experience, input, and support! If you have questions or would like to join our effort reach out to Joni Huntsperger at
  • We look forward to working with you!