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Human Resources Department

Service Employees’ International Union - Local 1021 (SEIU)

Negotiations Public Updates:

Published: March 01, 2023

The County and SEIU met for their 16th bargaining session on Wednesday March 1, 2023. The County provided an updated comprehensive proposal and tentatively agreed to increase employees’ boot and shoe allowance.

The County’s proposed economic package includes the following key provisions:

  • 64% of employees will immediately have their salary increased to the market average, ranging from 2% to 16% depending on their classification. The remaining 36% were already at or above market average, and so no adjustment is necessary.
  • Additionally, all employees will receive 12.5% salary increases over three years, including a 5% increase in year one meaning all employees will be at least 5% above market average.
  • Retiree medical benefits will be expanded to allow a portable option for employees moving out of a designated service area.
  • The County has agreed to evaluate a pension retiree cost of living adjustment during the term of the contract.
  • Medical insurance contributions will be increased to offset projected medical plan increases. All full-time employees will have the option to have 100% of premiums paid by the County.
  • Enhancement of the bilingual premium paid on all hours in paid status (e.g. vacation, sick, etc.) and increase fluent bilingual premium to $1.50 per hour.
  • Conversion of the $600 cash allowance into salary to increase overtime, wage base premiums, and future cost of living adjustment for full-time employees.
  • Up to $600 monthly salary increases for extra help employees.
  • Sick leave accrual increases for extra help employees.
  • Increasing vacation cap.
  • Increased uniform allowance from $200 to $300 annually.
  • Increased boot allowance from $225 to $300 annually and increased shoes from $120 to $200.
  • Increased sexual assault exam stipends to $275 per exam to $600 per exam.
  • Asking employees hired into public sector before January 1, 2013, who are eligible for enhanced pension benefits, to continue employee contribution of 3.03% to retirement without reducing current take-home pay.

The parties have also executed more than 20 tentative agreements on various improvements and additions to the labor agreement.

While the union’s last salary proposal remains 5.5% higher than the County’s offer, the parties continue to work in good faith toward a successor agreement.

The parties will meet again on Wednesday March 8, 2023.