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Department of Human Services

For Immediate Release

Older Adults can Stay Connected During the Holidays at (707) 565-INFO

Wellness Check-in Calls and Services Provide Support, Ease Isolation

Santa Rosa,CA | November 16, 2020

Though the coronavirus may keep families from traveling to see loved ones for the holidays, older adults 60+ can still stay connected to helpful services, meals and wellness checks by calling the Sonoma County Area Agency on Aging Information & Assistance Line at (707) 565-INFO (4636).

Helpful, friendly social workers with expertise in aging issues can link callers to all types of helpful resources and county and community programs, including peer counseling, meals, caregiver support, in-home care and transportation to medical and other appointments. They can problem-solve with callers or caregivers about how to access needed goods and services that follow pandemic safety procedures. For social connection, social workers refer callers to programs at agencies such as Petaluma People Services Center and Catholic Charities, whose volunteers offer daily or weekly wellness check-in calls for isolated older adults.

Social workers speak English or Spanish and will arrange interpretation in other languages or communication accommodations. The hours for the Information & Assistance Line are Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.– 4 p.m. During other times, please leave a voicemail and a social worker will respond within 48 hours.They will also answer questions by email at

After the first connection, social workers will offer a follow up call to check if the caller’s needs have been met.

The goal of the Information & Assistance Line is to help provide every older adult in our County the knowledge and access to programs that help them live longer, live safely and live well in any location they call home.

For more information about this free, year-round program, visit or call (707) 565-5900.


Contact Information

Kris Montgomery
Communications Manager, Human Services Department
(707) 565-8085