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Nominees for Public Office (City of Petaluma)

Published: September 10, 2020

Notice is hereby given that the following persons have been nominated for the office(s) mentioned below to be filled at the General Municipal Election to be held in the City of Petaluma on November 3, 2020.

(Title of Office) (Name of Candidate)
Councilmember BRIAN BARNACLE
Councilmember MIKE HEALY
Councilmember DENNIS POCEKAY
Councilmember KATHY MILLER
Councilmember ROBERT CONKLIN
Councilmember GABE KEARNEY
Councilmember SUSAN KIRKS
Councilmember LIZZIE WALLACK

s/ Samantha Pascoe

    Deputy City Clerk

    City of Petaluma

Dated:  September 3, 2020


*Posted by law in an adjudicated newspaper