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IMPORTANT! Some forms have deadlines. Please refer to the form instructions or contact our office for assistance.

Voter Registration/Cancellation

California Online Voter Registration Application

California Voter Registration Cancellation Request Form (English) (PDF)

California Voter Registration Cancellation Request Form (Spanish) (PDF)


Vote-by-Mail Ballots

Since the passage of Assembly Bill No. 37 in 2021, all active, registered voters in California are automatically mailed a ballot in every election. As a result, there is no longer a generic Vote-by-Mail application.

Getting a Replacement Ballot

Did your Vote-by-Mail ballot never arrive? Did you lose it? Did your pet eat it? No problem! Starting 29 days before an election, you can request a replacement with the application below. Please note our office must receive this application seven or more days before Election Day. If our office receives it six or fewer days before the election, no replacement ballot will be mailed, even if the application was mailed and postmarked seven or more days before the election. For further information, go to our Vote by Mail page, call us at (707) 565-6800, or email us at

California Replacement Vote-by-Mail Ballot Form (English) (PDF)

California Replacement Vote-by-Mail Ballot Form (Spanish) (PDF)

Authorizing a Representative to Pick up a Vote-by-Mail Ballot on a Voter’s Behalf

Have an emergency? Too busy to pick up a replacement? No problem. You can request that somebody else pick up a replacement Vote-by-Mail ballot for you with the application below. This procedure is available starting 29 days before an election through Election Day itself. It is most commonly used when a voter never received/lost/spoiled their original Vote-by-Mail ballot and is unable to pick up a replacement or vote in person due to disability, illness, hospitalization, etc. Please note such requests can only be made at our office (not at Vote Centers) by somebody who has a an application below signed by the voter. For more information, go to our Vote by Mail page, call us at (707) 565-6800, or email us at

Application to Provide Vote-by-Mail Ballot to Representative (English) (PDF)

Application to Provide Vote-by-Mail Ballot to Representative (Spanish) (PDF)

Requesting a Remote Accessible Vote-by-Mail Ballot

All counties are required to provide an accessible Vote-by-Mail option which is available to any voter, but can be particularly useful for voters with disabilities because of its accessibility features. This system allows voters to access their correct ballot online using their own device, such as a personal computer, and mark their choices, with the option of using their own assistive technology. Once the ballot choices have been marked, the voter is required to print out the selections and return the Remote Accessible Vote-by-Mail Ballot. Remote Accessible Vote-by-Mail Ballots may be returned using the same methods available to return a regular paper Vote-by-Mail ballot. For more information, go to our Accessible Voting page, call us at (707) 565-6800, or email us at

Remote Accessible Vote-By-Mail (RAVBM) Online Application

Curing Signature Issues (Signature Missing or Signature Doesn't Match)

Have you returned your ballot but been informed that you forgot to sign the blue return envelope? Or that you signed but your signature didn't match? You can resolve ("cure") the issue so your ballot can still be counted! Just print, fill out, sign, and submit the application below:

Signature Cure Form (PDF)
(Bilingual – Spanish is on second page)


Poll Workers

Sonoma County Online Poll Worker Application: Anybody who is interested in serving as a poll worker must fill out this online application.

Sonoma County Student Poll Worker Application (PDF): If you are a high school student, you must print, fill out, and submit this form in addition to the Sonoma County Online Poll Worker Application.

Sonoma County Employee Poll Worker Program Request for Leave/Reassignment Form (PDF): If you are a current Sonoma County employee who wants to serve as a poll worker during work hours, you must print, fill out, and submit this form in addition to the Sonoma County Online Poll Worker Application.

For more information about serving as a poll worker, visit our Poll Worker Information page, Student Poll Worker Program page, and/or our County Employee Poll Worker Program page.


County Information Guide

Opt In/Out of Online County Voter Information Guide

Common Campaign Finance Forms

Form 410: Statement of Organization Recipient Committee (PDF)

Form 460: Recipient Committee Campaign Statement (PDF)

Form 470: Officeholder Candidate Campaign Statement Short Form and Form 470 Supplement (PDF)

Form 501: Candidate Intention Statement (PDF)

From 700: 2021-2022 Statement of Economic Interests (PDF)


Campaign Materials

Application to Purchase/View Voter Registration Information (PDF)


Join Public Voting Committees

LAAC or VAAC Membership Application (PDF)


Miscellaneous Forms

Election Voter Fraud/Voter Complaint Form (PDF)

Request to Remove Name/Signature From Petition (PDF)
