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Message from the County Administrator - Strategic Plan
Published: November 06, 2020
Dear County Employees,
Would you like to see Sonoma County invest more in projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions? Want to see racial equity across our systems and services? Where would you like to see the County be in terms of housing development five years from now?
The County of Sonoma is in the process of developing a five-year Strategic Plan. Staff are actively soliciting input from County employees and community members to help shape the County’s priorities for the next five years. Feedback received will be used to help refine the plan’s goals and objectives before they are adopted by the Board of Supervisors in late February 2021.
Since late 2019, County leaders and Board members have been engaged in developing the base framework for the Plan. The Board of Supervisors discussed the framework during its Strategic Planning Retreat on January 28, 2020 where five Strategic Pillars were identified and discussed. Those five Pillars are:
- Healthy and Safe Communities
- Organizational Excellence
- Climate Action and Resiliency
- Racial Equity and Social Justice
- Resilient Infrastructure.
We Want to Hear From You!
Share your input by completing the Online Survey or join us for a virtual drop-in Open House session. All employees who complete the Online Survey will be entered into a raffle to win Gift Card prizes!
Please go the Strategic Plan website for more information, including more details about each of the five pillars and to learn more about how to participate in the process. And keep an eye out for another email announcement with the Zoom links to participate in the Open House sessions.
Thank you in advance for your participation on this important County endeavor!
Sheryl Bratton
County Administrator