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Human Resources Department

Commission on the Status of Women

Commission on the Status of Women Accepting Applications for the 2016-17 Junior Commissioner Project

Published: March 18, 2016

The nationally recognized youth mentorship program of the Commission on the Status of Women is accepting applications for the 2016-17 Junior Commissioner Project. Sonoma County residents between the ages of 14 and 18 have until May 1, 2016 to submit their applications. Selected candidates will be invited to participate in the interview process, which is slated for late May.

This program has multiple mentorship and development goals, to include:

  • Providing youth with the opportunity to participate in advocacy and take an active role in County government
  • Creating opportunities for youth to develop communication, facilitation, and presentation skills
  • Educating high school-aged youth about issues that impact the lives of women and girls
  • Empowering youth to make a positive impact on their communities

The program runs concurrent with the school year, beginning in August 2016 and running through May 2017. Applications in English and Spanish are available on the Commission's website at, or through the Commission office at, or by phone (707) 565-2821.