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Department of Human Services

Area Agency on Aging: Advisory Council Meeting

Date: April 17, 2024

Time: 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.


The Carnelian Conference Room
Adult and Aging Division
3725 Westwind Blvd. 
Santa Rosa, CA

Public Zoom: 

Registration Required: No

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Time Topic Presenter
1:00 1. Welcome, Introductions Helman
1:02 2. Approval of 03.20.24 Advisory Council Meeting Minutes Helman
1:05 3. New Board Appointed Member: Varma Shaat
1:10 4. New Member Applicant: Peñaherrera – Action Helman
1:15 5. Staff Update Dunaway, Parrish, Avery

6. In Home Supportive Services – Public Authority (IHSS-PA)

Presenter: Eric Glentzer – Overview of IHSS-PA and Introduction of IHSS-PA
Advisory Committee Members

Eric Glentzer

7. Legislative Offices: Representative Reports

  • Congressman Mike Thompson – Brendan Sweeney
  • Congressman Jared Huffman – Riley Ahern
  • Senator Bill Dodd – Steve Panages
  • Senate Majority Leader Mike McGuire – Hannah Appel
  • Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry – Laura Beltran
  • Assemblymember Jim Wood – Outgoing, No Report
  • Assemblymember Damon Connolly – AnnaMaria Tamayo
2:05 8. Public Comment and Council Member Open Forum
2:10 9. Break

10. Director/Staff Report

  • Master Plan for Aging Update
  • Local Aging & Disability Action Plan Update
  • Commission Member Recruitment Language One-Pager
  • Accessible Transportation Policy Blueprint
  • Accessible Transportation Reform Webinar 03.25.2024
  • Fair Event & Little People of America
Dunaway, Parrish, Avery

11. Ad Hoc Committee Discussion

  • Ad Hoc: Communication Advisory Role – Action (Beards)
    • Dissolve & Propose New Approach and Membership
  • Ad Hoc: Volunteer Log Value & Purpose – Action (Beards)
  • Ad Hoc: Recruitment Strategy: Materials & Process (Beards)
    • Dissolve Ad Hoc: Diversity & Outreach & Propose New Approach and Membership
3:00 12. Adjourn Helman

Supplemental materials related to an agenda item are available for public inspection during normal business hours at the Adult & Aging Office, 3725 Westwind Blvd., Suite 101, Santa Rosa. All listed times are approximate and subject to change. Agenda items are scheduled for consideration by the Advisory Council, which may or may not choose to act. Breaks may be called at the discretion of the Chair. If you need any accommodations to effectively participate please contact or (707) 565-5238 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. 

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