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November 7, 2023, Consolidated Election, Basic Timeline

Sonoma County Voting

Disclaimer: The dates listed below are not guaranteed to be correct and are still subject to change, particularly if new legislation is passed.

Note: In general, for dates that fall on a Saturday, Sunday, or county holiday, use the next regular business day for transactions. County holidays during this period include:

  • Sept. 4, 2023 - Labor Day
  • Nov. 10, 2023 - Veterans Day (Observed)
  • Nov. 23, 2023 - Thanksgiving Day
  • Nov. 24, 2023 - Day After Thanksgiving
Date(s) Event
7/5/23 Notification deadline for special districts
7/17/23 Candidate nominations filing period opens
7/17/23 - 8/11/23 Candidate nominations filing period
8/11/23 Candidate nominations filing period closes
8/11/23 Consolidation deadline
8/11/23 Deadline for governing bodies to submit measures
8/11/23 Tax rate statement deadline (bond measures only)
8/14/23  Measure letter assignments
8/14/23 Extension period opens for candidate nominations (only applies to offices that had an incumbent who did not file for re-election)
8/14/23 - 8/16/23 Extension period for candidate nominations (only applies to offices that had an incumbent who did not file for re-election)
8/16/23 Extension period closes for candidate nominations (only applies to offices that had an incumbent who did not file for re-election)
8/16/23 Deadline to amend/withdraw measures
8/17/23 Random alphabet drawing
8/18/23 Argument deadline
8/18/23 Impartial analysis due
8/25/23 Rebuttal deadline (only if opposing arguments are filed)
9/11/23 Write-in period begins
9/11/23 - 10/24/23 Write-in period
9/23/23 Deadline to send ballots to currently registered military/overseas voters
9/28/23 Approximate date County Voter Information Guides begin being mailed
10/9/23 Voting by mail opens; first day voters can pick up Vote-by-Mail ballots at the Registrar of Voters Office
10/9/23 First day Registrar of Voters may begin to process Vote-by-Mail ballots
10/10/23 Official Ballot Drop Boxes open
10/10/23 - 11/7/23 Official Ballot Drop Boxes are open daily (hours TBD)
10/23/23 Standard voter registration deadline
10/24/23 Write-in period closes
10/24/23 Conditional (a.k.a. “same day”) voter registration period opens
10/24/23 - 11/7/23 Conditional (a.k.a. “same day”) voter registration period
10/28/23 11-Day Vote Centers open (may not be required for this election depending on its size)
10/31/23 Last day to request a ballot be mailed
11/4/23 4-Day Vote Centers open (may not be required for this election depending on its size)
11/7/23 Election Day: Vote Centers will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
11/7/23 Official Ballot Drop Boxes close at 8 p.m.
11/7/23 Conditional (a.k.a. “same day”) voter registration closes at 8 p.m.
11/14/23 Vote-by-Mail ballots which are postmarked on or before Election Day must be received by this date in order to be counted
11/20/23 Deadline to send a certified statement of the election results to the special district governing boards

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