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Human Services Department

Adult and Aging Division

Taking Action

The Master Plan for Aging embraces a collective impact implementation model. Popularized by organizations dedicated to reimagining social change like FSG and the Aspen Institute, collective impact is a network of community members, organizations, and institutions that advance equity by learning together, aligning priorities, and integrating actions to achieve population and systems level change.

Participants across MPA stakeholder interviews, focus groups, and leadership committees pointed to the need to prioritize a coordinated approach to support Sonoma County’s older adult community. A coordinated approach invites stakeholders from all goal areas to work collectively to care for and serve older adults and people with disabilities in Sonoma County. The five conditions for collective impact plus equity practices are a framework and guide for MPA implementation.

Learn more about Sonoma County’s MPA Collective Impact Implementation here.

The MPA is operationalized by six goal area Action Teams and an Oversight Committee. Action Teams membership includes: 

  • Older adults, caregivers, & adults with disabilities
  • Leaders from community based organizations aligned with MPA goal areas 
  • Frontline support staff supporting older adults and adults with disabilities
  • Funders
  • Aging & Disability Commissioners
  • LADAP Steering Committee member
  • Local businesses
  • County government & local municipalities

Action Team members meet monthly to prioritize adopted strategies and to create and operationalize goal area action plans. They also select performance measures, attend racial equity training opportunities, and support community networking and messaging. The chair of each Action Team sits on the Oversight Committee to support cross-team collaboration.

  • Caregiving
  • Health
  • Economic Security
  • Wellness, Equity & Inclusion
  • Transportation
  • Housing

Anyone can join an Action Team! With gratitude to the Sonoma County Community Foundation and Council on Aging we are able to offer a limited number of stipends to participants who are not otherwise compensated for their time. 

If you would like to join an Action Team, please email Joni Huntsperger at We look forward to working with you!