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Department of Health Services

Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health

Trauma Informed Approach Field Nursing (TIA PHN)



Medi-Cal image

Immigration Status Doesn't Matter

Starting January 1, 2024, more people will be eligible for full Medi-Cal benefits. If you are 26-49, live in CA, and meet income requirements, you are eligible for coverage! Applying for or using Medi-Cal will not affect your immigration status.

Click here for more information

A partir del 1 de enero de 2024, más personas serán elegibles para recibir los beneficios completos de Medi-Cal. Si tiene entre 26 y 49 años, vive en CA y cumple con los requisitos de ingresos, ¡es elegible para recibir cobertura! Solicitar o utilizar Medi-Cal no afectará su estatus migratorio. ¡Y no es carga publica!

Para obtener información en español, haga clic en el botón "translate" en la esquina superior derecha de esta página y seleccione español.

Are you pregnant? Parenting a child under 5? You may be eligible for the TIA PHN home visiting program!

Trauma Informed Approach in Public Health Nursing logo 133This program partners you with a nurse for home visits (or visits at a location you choose). TIA PHNs are nurses trained to work with parents and caregivers who have experienced trauma, including PTSD, and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).  Trauma includes physical challenges (illness, altered ability, birth trauma), mental health challenges, substance use, CPS involvement, justice system involvement, or experiences of racism, inequity or physical or emotional abuse.

Your TIA PHN nurse supports you to:

  • Connect with medical, dental and insurance resources to make sure you and your child receive the care you need.
  • Know the signs of depression, anxiety and other behavioral health challenges to make sure you receive the services you want.
  • Learn about pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, and baby and child health needs.
  • Learn about the ways your baby communicates and how your baby learns and develops.

Trauma Informed Nurse making a home visitYour nurse partner supports you to become the healthiest you by providing information about healthy living including:

  • Healthy Eating                                                  
  • Healthy Sleep
  • Healthy Exercise
  • Healthy Stress reduction including Mindfulness
  • Healthy Relationship insight, understanding and support
  • Healthy Self Care