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Department of Health Services

Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health

Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP)


Contact Us

Nurse Family Partnership and Child First logoCall Sonoma County Nurse-Family Partnership at (707) 565-4440; or call or text (844) 637-6667

Family with home visiting nurseBeginning with trust, ending with extraordinary outcomes.

Nurse-Family Partnership® is a community health program that truly changes lives – for generations to come.

Video: Better Worlds Start with Great Mothers

How do I Qualify?

  • First-time mom
  • Under 28th week of pregnancy
  • Eligible for WIC or Medi-Cal 

Woman holding her smiling babyFREE Personal Nurse offering support, resources, and a good laugh, through your pregnancy and available to you until your baby is 2 years old. 

Video: Karla, una mama con NFP

Partners, fathers, family members, even close friends are welcome to participate in visits with your personal nurse. 

Who doesn’t need another set of hands to calm a fussy baby or change a diaper? It’s great to have support, and with help from Nurse-Family Partnership, you can be confident that everybody is taking good care of your baby.

Call Sonoma County Nurse-Family Partnership at (707) 565-4440; or call or text (844) 637-6667

Father holding his babyMother and father posing for picture with their child