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Human Resources Department

Western Council of Engineers (WCE)

2019 - 2023 WCEMemorandum of Understanding:   Article 13: Compensation Benefits

Western Council of Engineers

13.1 Call-Back

Employees who are called back to work after having completed the normal shift and after having left the work site, shall be entitled to receive a minimum of two (2) hours pay at the applicable rate for all time worked within that two (2) hours call-back period. Such employees who are called back to work shall be compensated for regular time or overtime, as the case may be. Any payment for overtime shall be in accordance with the provisions of this agreement governing overtime. Time worked, for which the employee is entitled to compensation, shall include reasonable travel time to and from the employee's residence via the shortest commonly traveled route.

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13.2 Licensed Land Surveyor Appointed by Board of Supervisors as County Surveyor

A Licensed Land Surveyor appointed by the Board of Supervisors as the County Surveyor will receive a ten percent (10%) premium pay above the employee’s base hourly rate for all hours actually worked, in performing the duties of official County Surveyor.

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13.3 Reimbursement for Professional Licenses

The County and Sonoma County Water Agency will pay, upon submittal by the affected employee, for the renewal cost of any professional license (Professional Engineer, Licensed Land Surveyor, Certified Hydrogeologist, and Professional Geologist) which is held by the employee for the benefit of the appointing authority and which is required by or relates to the employee’s job duties.

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