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County Administrator's Office

Weekly Roundup for August 19, 2022

Published: August 19, 2022

Today’s digest provides helpful and important updates on the following:

  1. More water-saving and wildfire preparedness tips
  2. Sonoma County COVID update
  3. Latest news from County of Sonoma

More Water-Saving & Wildfire Preparedness Tips

Drought TIP: If your irrigation system uses a clock timer, consider upgrading to a WaterSense labeled smart controller that acts like a thermostat for your lawn. It uses local weather data to determine when and how much to water and can reduce irrigation use by 15 percent, saving nearly 8,800 gallons of water per year.

Check for available rebates here:

More drought information is available here:

With summer temperatures reaching peak heat, watch for symptoms of heat-related injuries. Check on family, neighbors and take precautions.

For more information, please visit:

Heat related deaths are preventable. Protect yourself and others from the impacts of heat waves.

  • Job Sites: Stay hydrated and take breaks in the shade as often as possible.
  • Indoors: Check on the elderly, sick and those without AC.
  • Vehicles: Never leave kids or pets unattended – look before you lock.
  • Outdoors: Limit strenuous outdoor activities, find shade, and stay hydrated.

For more information, please visit

Follow these tips to protect yourself from poor air quality as smoke from northern California wildfires reaches parts of Sonoma County:

  • Limit your time outside
  • Close your windows
  • Use fans or air-conditioning with re-circulated air when possible
  • Stay hydrated

Check your local air quality here:

Plus, are you doing the right thing the wrong way? Help prevent equipment sparked fires:

  • Lawn mowers are designed to mow lawns, NOT weeds or dry grass.
  • Be cautious of rocks, metal blades striking rocks create sparks and start fires.
  • Ensure your chainsaw has a spark arrester and is working properly.
  • Be sure to mow your lawn before 10 a.m., have a fire extinguisher and/or hose nearby, and never mow if it is windy or excessively dry.

For CAL FIRE information on equipment safety, please visit:

For additional emergency preparedness tips, visit:

Sonoma County COVID Update

Back to school means new teachers, new friends, and new activities. Help keep schools open and protect your kids with well-fitted masks with good filtration.

Remember, wearing a mask is an act of kindness and masking up is still strongly recommended to help protect us and our loved ones against COVID-19.

To learn more about back-to-school recommendations for your child, visit the Safe Schools for All parents’ page here:

Kids have lots of questions! Sometimes parents do too, and pediatricians have answers. Talk to your child’s doctor to get all your questions answered about COVID vaccination.

You can also visit “The Science Behind COVID-19 Vaccines: Parent FAQs” from the American Academy of Pediatrics here:

For local information on how, where and when to get you and your child vaccinated against COVID-19, please visit:

Did you just find out you were exposed to COVID? What should you do?

Testing information is available here:

For the latest guidance, visit CDPH’s “What to do if you are exposed to COVID” here:

For local data and information on COVID-19, please visit:

Latest News from County of Sonoma

Extended nomination period opens for November election

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