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Department of Human Services

For Immediate Release

Human Services Department’s Paulin Drive office and call center set for one-day closure on September 1

SANTA ROSA, CA | August 24, 2023

En español »

The Sonoma County Human Services Department will close its economic assistance office at 2550 Paulin Drive in Santa Rosa and its telephone service center at (877) 699-6868 on Friday, Sept. 1 while the department completes upgrades to a critical software system over Labor Day weekend.

The Paulin Drive office and call center will reopen on Tuesday, Sept. 5 after the department completes its migration to the state’s new California Statewide Automated Welfare System (CalSAWS). The new CalSAWS system will merge county-level systems and streamline the eligibility determination process across the state for provision of economic assistance benefits including medical coverage, food and and other financial assistance.

The Paulin Drive office provides in-person assistance with CalFresh and Medi-Cal benefits. During the closure, clients can still:

  • Submit a CalFresh application at
  • Submit a Medi-Cal application at
  • Use the dropbox at the front of the 2550 Paulin Drive building to submit documents.

The Paulin Drive office and call center are operated by the Human Services Department’s Economic Assistance Division, which provides food benefits and medical coverage to approximately 160,000 people in Sonoma County, or one in three residents of our community.

Media Contact:
Kristen Font, Communications Manager
Human Services Department
(707) 565-8085
