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Department of Health Services

News Index

May 11, 2023 | Department of Health Services

The County of Sonoma is pleased to invite you to respond to a Request for Proposals for Behavioral Health Services for Youth.

The County of Sonoma is pleased to invite you to respond to a Request for Proposals for Behavioral Health Services for Youth. Read full story

May 04, 2023 | Department of Health Services

Sonoma County Board of Supervisors, Department of Health Services host special mental health forum

With Sonoma County experiencing a rise in substance use disorders, homelessness and a shortage of services to address an unprecedented mental health crisis, the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors and Department of Health Services on Tuesday convened a first-of-its-kind summit of behavioral health professionals from across the county for a listening session on the mental health care needs of the community. Read full story

April 28, 2023 | Department of Health Services

Dear Colleague Letter: Increasing Cases of Syphilis Among Females and of Congenital Syphilis

Sonoma County Public Health (PH) requests your assistance in responding to alarming increases in congenital syphilis in California and Sonoma County. Over the last several years, California has experienced a steep increase in syphilis among females and in congenital syphilis (CS). Read full story

April 27, 2023 | Department of Health Services

Sonoma County Board of Supervisors, Department of Health Services to host special mental health forum May 2

The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors and Department of Health Services are hosting a day-long community forum on Tuesday, May 2 concerning the state of mental health in the county. The forum, to be held at the Finley Center in Santa Rosa, will include panels of county behavioral health officials and mental health service providers discussing key challenges and issues facing the community. Read full story

April 24, 2023 | Department of Health Services

Notice of Intent to Award - RFP for Emergency Advanced Life Support Ground Ambulance Services for an Exclusive Operating Area in Sonoma County

The evaluation panel carefully reviewed and analyzed the proposals received in response to the above referenced solicitation. Based upon that review and analysis, Sonoma County Fire District received the highest score among all proposers. Read full story

April 18, 2023 | Department of Health Services

Sonoma County supervisors approve $250,500 in mental health funding for students; additional funding set to be approved later

The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors today approved $250,500 to provide behavioral health services in schools in partnership with the Sonoma County Office of Education. The funding is from Measure O, the quarter-cent sales tax measure voters approved in 2020 to fund mental health and homelessness services. Read full story

April 11, 2023 | Department of Health Services

Public Notice Sonoma Transfer Station SWIS No. 49-AA-0144

The Sonoma County Environmental Health Department, Solid Waste Management Program, acting as the Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) is certified by the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) to enforce state laws and regulations at solid waste sites within its jurisdiction. The Sonoma Transfer Station operates under a Solid Waste Facility Permit issued by the LEA. The operator has filed an application for a Report of Facility Information (RFI) amendment with the LEA. The RFI describes the design and operation of the facility. Read full story

April 11, 2023 | Department of Health Services

Public Notice Healdsburg Transfer Station SWIS No. 49-AA-0245

The Sonoma County Environmental Health Department, Solid Waste Management Program, acting as the LocalEnforcement Agency (LEA) is certified by the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) to enforce state laws and regulations at solid waste sites within its jurisdiction. The Healdsburg Transfer Station operates under a Solid Waste Facility Permit issued by the LEA. The operator has filed an application for a Report of Facility Information (RFI) amendment with the LEA. The RFI describes the design and operation of the facility. Read full story

April 06, 2023 | Department of Health Services

Sonoma County health officer provides final COVID community update

Sonoma County Health Officer Dr. Sundari Mase today provided her final COVID-19 community update before stepping down at the end of this week after three years in her post. Her recorded message includes the latest numbers on COVID cases and vaccinations in Sonoma County and includes lessons learned during the past three years of the pandemic. Read full story

April 06, 2023 | Department of Health Services

Dr. Kismet Baldwin-Santana to be appointed Sonoma County’s interim Health Officer

Dr. Kismet Baldwin-Santana, an experienced public health official who helped lead Sonoma County’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, has been named interim health officer by the director of the Department of Health Services. A pediatrics specialist with a master’s degree in public health, Dr. Baldwin-Santana has served as Sonoma County’s deputy public health officer since July 2020. Read full story